Practice Schedule

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Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3
Practice 1 Wed 4/19 - 6:06 PM 1540 4206 6225 3937 1287 2907
Practice 2 Wed 4/19 - 6:17 PM 3103 4135 6417 4451 6413 2352
Practice 3 Wed 4/19 - 6:30 PM 2352 4206 4061 5417 1540 3737
Practice 4 Wed 4/19 - 6:46 PM 3219 3103 1323 5124 1523 4451
Practice 5 Wed 4/19 - 7:03 PM 1884 2990 6413 4206 5417 1540
Practice 6 Wed 4/19 - 7:15 PM 6640 1323 3337 2907 5648 3737
Practice 7 Wed 4/19 - 7:25 PM 5417 4738 1318 1296 1523 2147
Practice 8 Wed 4/19 - 7:34 PM 3937 3245 2990 399 6554 1540
Practice 9 Wed 4/19 - 7:46 PM 5908 3219 1323 3337 1595 2221
Practice 10 Wed 4/19 - 7:56 PM 6413 4586 5417 1983 1318 16
Practice 11 Wed 4/19 - 7:40 PM 6384 4610 3006 1296 4270 2761
Practice 12 Wed 4/19 - 7:50 PM 6431 5677 5417 4451 1661 3103
All times are displayed in Central Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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