Playoff Matches

Alliance Results


  Results are filtered by search.

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qtr 1-1 3944 842 1726 2543 1828 498 87 89
Qtr 2-1 1164 3158 2486 4146 2840 1492 93 111
Qtr 3-1 1165 1290 4183 2647 1011 4126 69 30
Qtr 4-1 60 2839 3785 2403 3019 2449 76 0
Qtr 1-2 3944 1726 842 2543 498 1828 106 62
Qtr 2-2 2486 1164 3158 1492 4146 2840 68 77
Qtr 3-2 1165 1290 4183 4126 1011 2647 91 24
Qtr 4-2 60 2839 3785 2449 2403 3019 54 75
Qtr 1-3 3944 1726 842 498 2543 1828 133 60
Qtr 4-3 2839 3785 60 2403 2449 3019 84 83
Semi 1-1 1726 3944 842 4146 1492 2840 114 87
Semi 2-1 1165 1290 4183 60 3785 2839 83 78
Semi 1-2 842 1726 3944 2840 1492 4146 100 59
Semi 2-2 4183 1165 1290 60 2839 3785 56 61
Semi 2-3 1290 4183 1165 60 2839 3785 46 62
Finals 1-1 3944 842 1726 60 3785 2839 111 69
Finals 1-2 842 3944 1726 2839 60 3785 114 50
All times are displayed in Mountain Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams replaced by a backup team are shown with a underline.
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