Practice Schedule

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Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3
Practice 1 Thu 4/7 - 10:07 AM 4638 5115 339 5279 2068 1389
Practice 2 Thu 4/7 - 10:19 AM 449 1262 1731 422 686 1111
Practice 3 Thu 4/7 - 10:29 AM 2421 5804 122 1885 3389 346
Practice 4 Thu 4/7 - 10:39 AM 1389 1599 977 1137 5957 4945
Practice 5 Thu 4/7 - 10:48 AM 1418 1262 4242 888 4505 3455
Practice 6 Thu 4/7 - 10:56 AM 1829 1610 2068 116 5587 1111
Practice 7 Thu 4/7 - 11:06 AM 1629 1413 449 1719 1137 2849
Practice 8 Thu 4/7 - 11:14 AM 5279 1895 4286 2912 122 2028
Practice 9 Thu 4/7 - 11:23 AM 1599 449 1731 686 5841 2537
Practice 10 Thu 4/7 - 11:34 AM 5804 1262 888 5546 2377 4242
Practice 11 Thu 4/7 - 11:41 AM 116 1137 1629 3455 3389 2068
Practice 12 Thu 4/7 - 11:49 AM 339 346 5804 1111 2028 4945
Practice 13 Thu 4/7 - 11:58 AM 1418 1731 3872 1885 1719 3389
Practice 14 Thu 4/7 - 12:10 PM 5804 836 2534 1413 1599 339
Practice 15 Thu 4/7 - 12:21 PM 1413 339 1389 5338 346 122
Practice 16 Thu 4/7 - 12:30 PM 422 2912 2534 686 1413 2421
Practice 17 Thu 4/7 - 12:40 PM 2849 1111 4242 401 977 449
Practice 18 Thu 4/7 - 12:50 PM 3455 1389 2537 612 1262 5338
Practice 19 Thu 4/7 - 1:00 PM 5279 122 1731 1610 384 5804
Practice 20 Thu 4/7 - 1:10 PM 5546 623 1829 346 6194 2028
All times are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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