1051 30 10 20* keyboard_arrow_down Utah Regional (UTWV) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 10 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 10 Highest Match Scores: 82 , 80 , 74 1052 SESI SENAI STARDUST
30 10 20* keyboard_arrow_down Regional Brazil - Brasilia (BRBA) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 10 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 10 Highest Match Scores: 82 , 68 , 57 1053 Prepa Tecmilenio - Raccoons
Prepa Tecmilenio - Raccoons
30 10 20* keyboard_arrow_down Regional Monterrey presented by PrepaTec (MXMO) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 10 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 10 Highest Match Scores: 71 , 69 , 67 1054 Best of Tech
Best of Tech
30 10 20* keyboard_arrow_down Los Angeles Regional (CALA) Team Age Points: 5 Qualification Performance Points: 5 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 5 Highest Match Scores: 151 , 100 , 83 1055 30 10 20* keyboard_arrow_down Pinnacles Regional (CAMB) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 5 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: 5 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 5 Highest Match Scores: 129 , 113 , 110 1056 30 10 20* keyboard_arrow_down Rocket City Regional (ALHU) Team Age Points: 5 Qualification Performance Points: 5 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 5 Highest Match Scores: 119 , 98 , 82 1057 PrepaTec- SINAVOLT
30 10 20* keyboard_arrow_down Regional Monterrey presented by PrepaTec (MXMO) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 5 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: 5 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 5 Highest Match Scores: 98 , 74 , 71 1058 Cyber Vipers
Cyber Vipers
30 10 20* keyboard_arrow_down Arizona North Regional (AZFG) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 5 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: 5 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 5 Highest Match Scores: 96 , 91 , 77 1059 Wolves Robotics (Basic HS)
Wolves Robotics (Basic HS)
30 10 20* keyboard_arrow_down Hueneme Port Regional (CAPH) Team Age Points: 5 Qualification Performance Points: 5 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 5 Highest Match Scores: 89 , 86 , 83 1060 TechWasps923
30 10 20* keyboard_arrow_down Tallahassee Regional (FLTA) Team Age Points: 5 Qualification Performance Points: 5 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 5 Highest Match Scores: 75 , 68 , 50 1061 SESI/SENAI P0t1BOT (Potibot)
SESI/SENAI P0t1BOT (Potibot)
30 10 20* keyboard_arrow_down Regional Brazil - Brasilia (BRBA) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 5 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: 5 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 5 Highest Match Scores: 63 , 57 , 56 1062 30 10 20* keyboard_arrow_down Regional Brazil - Brasilia (BRBA) Team Age Points: 5 Qualification Performance Points: 5 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 5 Highest Match Scores: 51 , 49 , 33 1063 Sultans of Turkiye
Sultans of Turkiye
28 16 12 keyboard_arrow_down İstanbul Regional (TUIS) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 12 Alliance Selection Points: 4 Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Haliç Regional (TUHC) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 12 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: 4 Max Qualification Performance Points: 12 Highest Match Scores: 93 , 85 , 74 1064 28 9 19* keyboard_arrow_down Arizona North Regional (AZFG) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 6 Alliance Selection Points: 3 Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: 3 Max Qualification Performance Points: 6 Highest Match Scores: 121 , 110 , 97 1065 28 9 19* keyboard_arrow_down Rocket City Regional (ALHU) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 6 Alliance Selection Points: 3 Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: 3 Max Qualification Performance Points: 6 Highest Match Scores: 120 , 116 , 106 1066 28 9 19* keyboard_arrow_down Rocket City Regional (ALHU) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 9 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 9 Highest Match Scores: 166 , 115 , 107 1067 The Marinators
The Marinators
28 9 19* keyboard_arrow_down Pinnacles Regional (CAMB) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 9 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 9 Highest Match Scores: 162 , 135 , 123 1068 Electric Mayhem
Electric Mayhem
28 9 19* keyboard_arrow_down Finger Lakes Regional (NYRO) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 9 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 9 Highest Match Scores: 147 , 122 , 107 1069 Northern Knights
Northern Knights
28 9 19* keyboard_arrow_down Festival de Robotique Regional (QCMO) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 9 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 9 Highest Match Scores: 146 , 96 , 86 1070 Boyd-Buchanan Robotics
Boyd-Buchanan Robotics
28 9 19* keyboard_arrow_down Rocket City Regional (ALHU) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 9 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 9 Highest Match Scores: 142 , 79 , 76 1071 Metal Jackets
Metal Jackets
28 9 19* keyboard_arrow_up Ventura County Regional (CAVE) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 9 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 9 Highest Match Scores: 141 , 136 , 78 1072 28 9 19* keyboard_arrow_down Orange County Regional (CAOC) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 9 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 9 Highest Match Scores: 133 , 131 , 106 1073 APEX Robotics
APEX Robotics
28 9 19* keyboard_arrow_down Arizona North Regional (AZFG) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 9 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 9 Highest Match Scores: 126 , 102 , 69 1074 GalvaKnights
28 9 19* keyboard_arrow_down Orange County Regional (CAOC) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 9 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 9 Highest Match Scores: 122 , 106 , 99 1075 Forza One - Peñoles
Forza One - Peñoles
28 9 19* keyboard_arrow_down Regional Leon presented by PrepaTec (MXLE) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 9 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 9 Highest Match Scores: 120 , 110 , 82