51 128 71 57* Regional Winner at NYSU keyboard_arrow_down Hudson Valley Regional (NYSU) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 20 Alliance Selection Points: 16 Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Award Points: 5 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Max Alliance Selection Points: 16 Max Qualification Performance Points: 20 Highest Match Scores: 198 , 195 , 184 52 PrepaTec - ROULT - Peñoles
PrepaTec - ROULT - Peñoles
128 71 57* Pre-Qualified keyboard_arrow_down Regional Monterrey presented by PrepaTec (MXMO) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 20 Alliance Selection Points: 16 Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Award Points: 5 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Max Alliance Selection Points: 16 Max Qualification Performance Points: 20 Highest Match Scores: 149 , 146 , 133 53 G.R.R. (Greater Rochester Robotics)
G.R.R. (Greater Rochester Robotics)
128 71 57* Regional Winner at NYRO keyboard_arrow_down Finger Lakes Regional (NYRO) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 21 Alliance Selection Points: 15 Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Award Points: 5 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Max Alliance Selection Points: 15 Max Qualification Performance Points: 21 Highest Match Scores: 192 , 187 , 181 54 The MegaHertz
The MegaHertz
128 71 57* Regional Winner at MNDU keyboard_arrow_down Lake Superior Regional (MNDU) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 21 Alliance Selection Points: 15 Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Award Points: 5 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Max Alliance Selection Points: 15 Max Qualification Performance Points: 21 Highest Match Scores: 185 , 180 , 175 55 128 71 57* Regional Winner at CAOC keyboard_arrow_down Orange County Regional (CAOC) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 21 Alliance Selection Points: 15 Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Award Points: 5 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Max Alliance Selection Points: 15 Max Qualification Performance Points: 21 Highest Match Scores: 180 , 168 , 168 56 128 71 57* Regional Winner at MNDU2 keyboard_arrow_down Northern Lights Regional (MNDU2) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 21 Alliance Selection Points: 15 Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Award Points: 5 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Max Alliance Selection Points: 15 Max Qualification Performance Points: 21 Highest Match Scores: 164 , 153 , 153 57 Highlander Robotics
Highlander Robotics
128 71 57* Engineering Inspiration Award at CAOC keyboard_arrow_down Orange County Regional (CAOC) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 20 Alliance Selection Points: 16 Playoff Advancement Points: 7 Award Points: 28 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: 7 Max Alliance Selection Points: 16 Max Qualification Performance Points: 20 Highest Match Scores: 170 , 159 , 147 58 126 70 56* Regional Winner at BCVI keyboard_arrow_down Canadian Pacific Regional (BCVI) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 19 Alliance Selection Points: 16 Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Award Points: 5 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Max Alliance Selection Points: 16 Max Qualification Performance Points: 19 Highest Match Scores: 193 , 178 , 153 59 SESI SENAI SHARKS
126 70 56* Regional Winner at BRBA keyboard_arrow_down Regional Brazil - Brasilia (BRBA) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 19 Alliance Selection Points: 16 Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Award Points: 5 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Max Alliance Selection Points: 16 Max Qualification Performance Points: 19 Highest Match Scores: 120 , 119 , 118 60 The Cobra Commanders
The Cobra Commanders
126 65 61 Engineering Inspiration Award at CAPH keyboard_arrow_down Hueneme Port Regional (CAPH) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 17 Alliance Selection Points: 13 Playoff Advancement Points: 7 Award Points: 28 Utah Regional (UTWV) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 21 Alliance Selection Points: 15 Playoff Advancement Points: 20 Award Points: 5 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: 20 Max Alliance Selection Points: 15 Max Qualification Performance Points: 21 Highest Match Scores: 173 , 166 , 166 61 123 68 55* Pre-Qualified keyboard_arrow_down Central Missouri Regional (MOSE) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 17 Alliance Selection Points: 16 Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Award Points: 5 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Max Alliance Selection Points: 16 Max Qualification Performance Points: 17 Highest Match Scores: 191 , 170 , 158 62 123 68 55* Regional Winner at MNDU2 keyboard_arrow_down Northern Lights Regional (MNDU2) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 18 Alliance Selection Points: 15 Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Award Points: 5 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Max Alliance Selection Points: 15 Max Qualification Performance Points: 18 Highest Match Scores: 164 , 153 , 150 63 Thunder Robotics
Thunder Robotics
122 50 72 Regional Winner at NDGF keyboard_arrow_up Lake Superior Regional (MNDU) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 22 Alliance Selection Points: 16 Playoff Advancement Points: 7 Award Points: 5 Great Northern Regional (NDGF) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 21 Alliance Selection Points: 16 Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Award Points: 5 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Max Alliance Selection Points: 16 Max Qualification Performance Points: 22 Highest Match Scores: 200 , 193 , 188 64 Denham Venom
Denham Venom
122 61 61 Regional Pool Week 2 keyboard_arrow_down Arkansas Regional (ARLI) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 21 Alliance Selection Points: 15 Playoff Advancement Points: 20 Award Points: 5 Magnolia Regional (MSLR) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 20 Alliance Selection Points: 16 Playoff Advancement Points: 20 Award Points: 5 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: 20 Max Alliance Selection Points: 16 Max Qualification Performance Points: 21 Highest Match Scores: 177 , 176 , 167 65 Clockwork Mania
Clockwork Mania
121 67 54* FIRST Impact Award at MSLR keyboard_arrow_down Magnolia Regional (MSLR) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 14 Alliance Selection Points: 8 Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: 45 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: 8 Max Qualification Performance Points: 14 Highest Match Scores: 107 , 77 , 71 66 120 66 54* Regional Winner at ALHU keyboard_arrow_down Rocket City Regional (ALHU) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 20 Alliance Selection Points: 16 Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Max Alliance Selection Points: 16 Max Qualification Performance Points: 20 Highest Match Scores: 192 , 191 , 181 67 120 66 54* Regional Winner at NYRO keyboard_arrow_down Finger Lakes Regional (NYRO) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 21 Alliance Selection Points: 15 Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Max Alliance Selection Points: 15 Max Qualification Performance Points: 21 Highest Match Scores: 227 , 187 , 181 68 Siege Robotics
Siege Robotics
120 66 54* Regional Winner at MSLR keyboard_arrow_down Magnolia Regional (MSLR) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 21 Alliance Selection Points: 15 Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Max Alliance Selection Points: 15 Max Qualification Performance Points: 21 Highest Match Scores: 154 , 144 , 139 69 118 57 61 Regional Pool Week 2 keyboard_arrow_down Bosphorus Regional (TUIS2) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 17 Alliance Selection Points: 15 Playoff Advancement Points: 20 Award Points: 5 Marmara Regional (TUIS3) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 21 Alliance Selection Points: 15 Playoff Advancement Points: 20 Award Points: 5 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: 20 Max Alliance Selection Points: 15 Max Qualification Performance Points: 21 Highest Match Scores: 164 , 148 , 145 70 Midas' Mayhem
Midas' Mayhem
118 65 53* keyboard_arrow_down St. Louis Regional (MOSL) Team Age Points: 5 Qualification Performance Points: 20 Alliance Selection Points: 15 Playoff Advancement Points: 20 Award Points: 5 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: 20 Max Alliance Selection Points: 15 Max Qualification Performance Points: 20 Highest Match Scores: 162 , 152 , 141 71 118 69 49 FIRST Impact Award at TUIS2 keyboard_arrow_down Bosphorus Regional (TUIS2) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 14 Alliance Selection Points: 10 Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: 45 Ankara Regional (TUAK) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 17 Alliance Selection Points: 14 Playoff Advancement Points: 13 Award Points: 5 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: 13 Max Alliance Selection Points: 14 Max Qualification Performance Points: 17 Highest Match Scores: 102 , 92 , 88 72 Thunder Down Under
Thunder Down Under
118 65 53* Pre-Qualified keyboard_arrow_down Southern Cross Regional (AUSC) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 18 Alliance Selection Points: 12 Playoff Advancement Points: 7 Award Points: 28 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: 7 Max Alliance Selection Points: 12 Max Qualification Performance Points: 18 Highest Match Scores: 115 , 114 , 113 73 PrepaTec - Botbusters
PrepaTec - Botbusters
116 73 43 Regional Winner at MXMO keyboard_arrow_down Regional Monterrey presented by PrepaTec (MXMO) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 22 Alliance Selection Points: 16 Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Award Points: 5 Regional Leon presented by PrepaTec (MXLE) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 21 Alliance Selection Points: 15 Playoff Advancement Points: 7 Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Max Alliance Selection Points: 16 Max Qualification Performance Points: 22 Highest Match Scores: 149 , 142 , 142 74 116 64 52* Regional Winner at MNDU keyboard_arrow_down Lake Superior Regional (MNDU) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 19 Alliance Selection Points: 15 Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Max Alliance Selection Points: 15 Max Qualification Performance Points: 19 Highest Match Scores: 185 , 175 , 166 75 The S.S. Prometheus
The S.S. Prometheus
116 64 52* Regional Winner at MSLR keyboard_arrow_down Magnolia Regional (MSLR) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 19 Alliance Selection Points: 15 Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: 30 Max Alliance Selection Points: 15 Max Qualification Performance Points: 19 Highest Match Scores: 155 , 154 , 154