926 43 18 25* keyboard_arrow_down FIRST Long Island Regional (NYLI2) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 12 Alliance Selection Points: 6 Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: 6 Max Qualification Performance Points: 12 Highest Match Scores: 156 , 151 , 150 927 43 18 25* keyboard_arrow_down Arkansas Regional (ARLI) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 12 Alliance Selection Points: 6 Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: 6 Max Qualification Performance Points: 12 Highest Match Scores: 153 , 152 , 142 928 Team E.L.I.T.E.
Team E.L.I.T.E.
43 18 25* keyboard_arrow_down Rocket City Regional (ALHU) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 12 Alliance Selection Points: 6 Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: 6 Max Qualification Performance Points: 12 Highest Match Scores: 142 , 126 , 126 929 BORUSAN ROBOTICS
43 18 25* keyboard_arrow_down Marmara Regional (TUIS3) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 12 Alliance Selection Points: 6 Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: 6 Max Qualification Performance Points: 12 Highest Match Scores: 86 , 77 , 58 930 Owlbot - Peñoles
Owlbot - Peñoles
43 18 25* keyboard_arrow_down Regional Laguna presented by Peñoles (MXTO) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 13 Alliance Selection Points: 5 Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: 5 Max Qualification Performance Points: 13 Highest Match Scores: 142 , 117 , 98 931 43 18 25* keyboard_arrow_down Green Country Regional (OKTU) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 14 Alliance Selection Points: 4 Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: 4 Max Qualification Performance Points: 14 Highest Match Scores: 129 , 126 , 125 932 SESI SENAI SC CyberRain
43 18 25* keyboard_arrow_down Regional Brazil - Brasilia (BRBA) Team Age Points: 5 Qualification Performance Points: 9 Alliance Selection Points: 4 Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: 4 Max Qualification Performance Points: 9 Highest Match Scores: 81 , 78 , 75 933 The Lightning Bots
The Lightning Bots
43 18 25* keyboard_arrow_down Finger Lakes Regional (NYRO) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 15 Alliance Selection Points: 3 Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: 3 Max Qualification Performance Points: 15 Highest Match Scores: 204 , 140 , 133 934 Esquimalt Atom Smashers
Esquimalt Atom Smashers
43 18 25* keyboard_arrow_down Canadian Pacific Regional (BCVI) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 15 Alliance Selection Points: 3 Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: 3 Max Qualification Performance Points: 15 Highest Match Scores: 133 , 128 , 105 935 System Reset
System Reset
43 18 25* keyboard_arrow_down Canadian Pacific Regional (BCVI) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 13 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: 5 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 13 Highest Match Scores: 167 , 107 , 68 936 STAGROBOTICS
43 18 25* keyboard_arrow_down Central Missouri Regional (MOSE) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 13 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: 5 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 13 Highest Match Scores: 139 , 126 , 117 937 Roaring Riptide
Roaring Riptide
43 18 25* keyboard_arrow_down Orlando Regional (FLOR) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 13 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: 5 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 13 Highest Match Scores: 134 , 114 , 91 938 Metal Knight
Metal Knight
43 18 25* keyboard_arrow_up Regional Brazil - Brasilia (BRBA) Team Age Points: 5 Qualification Performance Points: 13 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 13 Highest Match Scores: 134 , 102 , 97 939 43 18 25* keyboard_arrow_down Silicon Valley Regional (CASJ) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 13 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: 5 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 13 Highest Match Scores: 132 , 109 , 103 940 43 18 25* keyboard_arrow_down Canadian Pacific Regional (BCVI) Team Age Points: 5 Qualification Performance Points: 13 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 13 Highest Match Scores: 125 , 118 , 90 941 Sci Tech FRC
Sci Tech FRC
43 18 25* keyboard_arrow_down Greater Pittsburgh Regional (PACA) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 13 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: 5 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 13 Highest Match Scores: 121 , 98 , 91 942 Knights of the Lab Table
Knights of the Lab Table
43 18 25* keyboard_arrow_down Arizona East Regional (AZGL) Team Age Points: 5 Qualification Performance Points: 13 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 13 Highest Match Scores: 120 , 119 , 106 943 43 18 25* keyboard_arrow_down Regional Brazil - Brasilia (BRBA) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 13 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: 5 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 13 Highest Match Scores: 119 , 86 , 74 944 43 18 25* keyboard_arrow_down Great Northern Regional (NDGF) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 13 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: 5 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 13 Highest Match Scores: 114 , 110 , 109 945 43 18 25* keyboard_arrow_down Magnolia Regional (MSLR) Team Age Points: 5 Qualification Performance Points: 13 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 13 Highest Match Scores: 103 , 99 , 95 946 SESI SENAI BATROBOT
43 18 25* keyboard_arrow_down Regional Brazil - Brasilia (BRBA) Team Age Points: 5 Qualification Performance Points: 13 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 13 Highest Match Scores: 93 , 74 , 62 947 Jaguar Robotics Sponsored By Feit Electric
Jaguar Robotics Sponsored By Feit Electric
43 5 38 Engineering Inspiration Award at CODE keyboard_arrow_down Orange County Regional (CAOC) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 5 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Colorado Regional (CODE) Team Age Points: Qualification Performance Points: 10 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: 28 Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 10 Highest Match Scores: 149 , 124 , 119 948 Team Humanity
Team Humanity
43 18 25* keyboard_arrow_down Greater Pittsburgh Regional (PACA) Team Age Points: 10 Qualification Performance Points: 8 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 8 Highest Match Scores: 147 , 109 , 97 949 GPS Robotics
GPS Robotics
43 18 25* keyboard_arrow_down Orlando Regional (FLOR) Team Age Points: 10 Qualification Performance Points: 8 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 8 Highest Match Scores: 142 , 82 , 68 950 43 18 25* keyboard_arrow_down San Francisco Regional (CASF) Team Age Points: 10 Qualification Performance Points: 8 Alliance Selection Points: Playoff Advancement Points: Award Points: Tiebreakers Max Playoff Advancement Points: Max Alliance Selection Points: Max Qualification Performance Points: 8 Highest Match Scores: 119 , 116 , 114