Practice Schedule

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Start Time
Red 1
Red 2
Red 3
Blue 1
Blue 2
Blue 3
Practice 1 Thu 3/13 - 12:12 PM 1156 9458 7033 9199 9219 9200
Practice 2 Thu 3/13 - 12:27 PM 10466 1156 9461 9199 10019 7563
Practice 3 Thu 3/13 - 12:39 PM 10345 9066 7563 9175 9199 9047
Practice 4 Thu 3/13 - 12:58 PM 7565 9461 10200 9302 9050 9486
Practice 5 Thu 3/13 - 1:15 PM 7459 7567 9110 8882 9487 9163
Practice 6 Thu 3/13 - 1:24 PM 9162 7567 9459 1860 9485 9046
Practice 7 Thu 3/13 - 1:36 PM 7565 9085 1156 8882 7567 1860
Practice 8 Thu 3/13 - 1:46 PM 9066 8276 9219 7563 10190 9484
Practice 9 Thu 3/13 - 1:59 PM 8882 9617 7563 9199 9175 9178
Practice 10 Thu 3/13 - 2:10 PM 9200 9164 9484 9460 9047 7567
Practice 11 Thu 3/13 - 2:22 PM 9484 9200 9199 9487 7565 9050
Practice 12 Thu 3/13 - 2:53 PM 1772 9218 9195 10019 9486 9458
Practice 13 Thu 3/13 - 3:06 PM 9199 8882 10343 9461 9611 9162
Practice 14 Thu 3/13 - 3:22 PM 10019 9675 7033 9195 9603 7563
Practice 15 Thu 3/13 - 3:31 PM 9460 9302 7567 10466 9046 6404
Practice 16 Thu 3/13 - 3:48 PM 9178 9110 1860 9166 10356 10466
Practice 17 Thu 3/13 - 3:58 PM 10190 9484 9085 10345 8066 9169
Practice 18 Thu 3/13 - 4:09 PM 9050 1860 9047 7563 8882 9164
Practice 19 Thu 3/13 - 4:21 PM 1156 5800 9458 9459 9484 9617
Practice 20 Thu 3/13 - 4:39 PM 10466 9487 9460 9302 9199 9200
All times are displayed in E. South America Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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