2025 Qualification Matches

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Match |
Start Time |
Red 1 |
Red 2 |
Red 3 |
Blue 1 |
Blue 2 |
Blue 3 | Red Final |
Blue Final |
Qualification 2 | Sat 3/15 - 9:08 AM | 7840 | 4999 |
9615 | 5089 | 980 | 116 | 55 |
Qualification 11 | Sat 3/15 - 10:34 AM | 8898 | 6220 | 1661 | 968 | 1452 | 4999 | 36 | 61 |
Qualification 17 | Sat 3/15 - 11:27 AM | 4999 | 10658 | 6658 | 294 | 10424 | 599 | 29 | 61 |
Qualification 23 | Sat 3/15 - 1:11 PM | 6904 | 4999 | 294 | 6305 | 597 | 7840 | 92 | 88 |
Qualification 34 | Sat 3/15 - 2:48 PM | 3882 | 968 | 5553 | 1759 | 10597 | 4999 | 76 | 35 |
Qualification 42 | Sat 3/15 - 4:09 PM | 2584 | 5669 | 4999 | 6658 | 2659 | 3759 | 75 | 81 |
Qualification 48 | Sat 3/15 - 5:04 PM | 10597 | 1197 | 1515 | 5089 | 4999 | 696 | 116 | 116 |
Qualification 56 | Sun 3/16 - 9:06 AM | 1148 | 4470 | 1452 | 2659 | 4999 | 1197 | 94 | 154 |
Qualification 64 | Sun 3/16 - 10:12 AM | 4322 | 9505 | 9408 | 4999 | 1159 | 687 | 151 | 72 |
Qualification 69 | Sun 3/16 - 11:04 AM | 4999 | 4322 | 9615 | 5124 | 1836 | 4201 | 113 | 133 |
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in