Practice Schedule

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Start Time
Red 1
Red 2
Red 3
Blue 1
Blue 2
Blue 3
Practice 1 Fri 2/28 - 7:44 PM 1024 10332 1646 328 5010 45
Practice 2 Fri 2/28 - 7:59 PM 45 7457 1501 9119 4926 5484
Practice 3 Fri 2/28 - 8:15 PM 5484 7457 4926 5010 135 2171
Practice 4 Fri 2/28 - 8:31 PM 1501 9071 461 328 9554 7457
Practice 5 Fri 2/28 - 8:48 PM 10172 2197 8103 9530 45 5010
Practice 6 Sat 3/1 - 10:01 AM 3865 135 9119 9530 2867 10332
Practice 7 Sat 3/1 - 9:04 AM 328 4926 5010 9530 1501 7457
Practice 8 Sat 3/1 - 9:22 AM 10434 9453 461 3176 7457 328
Practice 9 Sat 3/1 - 9:34 AM 135 9554 829 1501 447 1024
Practice 10 Sat 3/1 - 9:50 AM 461 9453 1501 9530 4926 10332
Practice 11 Sat 3/1 - 9:30 AM 9119 8103 7477 4926 2171 3147
Practice 12 Sat 3/1 - 9:40 AM 135 3865 10332 9530 10029 3936
All times are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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