Practice Schedule

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Start Time
Red 1
Red 2
Red 3
Blue 1
Blue 2
Blue 3
Practice 1 Thu 2/27 - 1:14 PM 4635 5932 3527 9282 6170 2283
Practice 2 Thu 2/27 - 1:31 PM 9301 6017 4403 3526 8290 4775
Practice 3 Thu 2/27 - 1:44 PM 5705 8741 5887 3522 7546 7725
Practice 4 Thu 2/27 - 2:00 PM 4403 5959 4977 5932 8290 3472
Practice 5 Thu 2/27 - 2:23 PM 10225 4635 3158 8290 6017 4731
Practice 6 Thu 2/27 - 2:43 PM 6647 6348 3472 6606 6017 8290
Practice 7 Thu 2/27 - 2:59 PM 3933 6106 6676 9065 7421 4403
Practice 8 Thu 2/27 - 3:13 PM 5932 9301 3480 5887 7725 4635
Practice 9 Thu 2/27 - 3:25 PM 9053 4775 7546 3527 3526 4584
Practice 10 Thu 2/27 - 3:35 PM 4403 3522 3472 4977 4731 6106
Practice 11 Thu 2/27 - 3:44 PM 10580 6606 7546 5959 8290 8741
Practice 12 Thu 2/27 - 3:54 PM 7546 4403 3472 6017 8290 9065
Practice 13 Thu 2/27 - 4:13 PM 6652 4635 6170 6676 3158 5705
Practice 14 Thu 2/27 - 4:29 PM 6348 3933 7421 3480 4403 7102
Practice 15 Thu 2/27 - 4:47 PM 4731 6017 8740 7102 4635 3526
Practice 16 Thu 2/27 - 5:00 PM 6348 3527 7546 7725 4977 3794
Practice 17 Thu 2/27 - 5:11 PM 6106 3472 3522 7102 6647 5932
Practice 18 Thu 2/27 - 5:22 PM 7546 9065 5959 3158 9282 9301
Practice 19 Thu 2/27 - 5:37 PM 3527 6676 2283 4635 3480 6348
Practice 20 Thu 2/27 - 5:52 PM 3472 6647 6017 8740 6106 10225
Practice 21 Thu 2/27 - 6:07 PM 3158 7546 6348 4977 3472 3933
Practice 22 Thu 2/27 - 6:27 PM 4584 2283 4635 7421 3794 3522
All times are displayed in Central Standard Time (Mexico), the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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