Playoff Matches

Alliance Results


  Results are filtered by search.

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qtr 1-1 341 78 254 27 971 503 60 36
Qtr 2-1 1507 51 3098 1885 244 624 38 60
Qtr 3-1 233 987 207 525 58 2474 92 41
Qtr 4-1 1678 85 1986 1477 3528 1741 62 60
Qtr 1-2 341 254 78 971 503 27 90 55
Qtr 2-2 51 1507 3098 1885 244 624 65 62
Qtr 3-2 233 987 207 525 2474 58 77 38
Qtr 4-2 1678 85 1986 3528 1477 1741 71 72
Qtr 2-3 1507 51 3098 624 1885 244 31 74
Qtr 4-3 1986 1678 85 3528 1741 1477 45 46
Semi 1-1 78 254 341 624 1885 244 102 69
Semi 2-1 207 233 987 1741 3528 1477 116 81
Semi 1-2 341 78 254 1885 624 244 128 78
Semi 2-2 987 207 233 1477 1741 3528 100 84
Finals 1-1 78 254 341 987 233 207 58 68
Finals 1-2 254 341 78 233 987 207 86 110
All times are displayed in Central Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams replaced by a backup team are shown with a underline.
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