Playoff Matches

Alliance Results


  Results are filtered by search.

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qtr 1-1 359 2437 2090 2348 3721 3880 141 67
Qtr 2-1 2443 3132 4218 2441 3882 2504 129 96
Qtr 3-1 1378 4253 1622 4270 2445 3881 38 58
Qtr 4-1 2439 3008 4158 2465 2438 3878 93 69
Qtr 1-2 2437 359 2090 3721 2348 3880 147 61
Qtr 2-2 4218 3132 2443 3882 2441 2504 170 77
Qtr 3-2 1378 4253 1622 3881 4270 2445 55 48
Qtr 4-2 3008 2439 4158 3878 2465 2438 49 79
Qtr 3-3 1622 4253 1378 2445 4270 3881 74 40
Qtr 4-3 4158 2439 3008 2438 3878 2465 69 66
Semi 1-1 359 2437 2090 4218 3132 2443 150 67
Semi 2-1 1622 1378 4253 2439 4158 3008 39 73
Semi 1-2 2090 2437 359 3132 2443 4218 114 128
Semi 2-2 1378 4253 1622 2439 3008 4158 39 85
Semi 1-3 2090 2437 359 3132 4218 2443 92 90
Finals 1-1 2437 2090 359 3008 4158 2439 71 82
Finals 1-2 2090 2437 359 4158 2439 3008 56 89
All times are displayed in Hawaiian Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams replaced by a backup team are shown with a underline.
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