Playoff Matches

Alliance Results


  Results are filtered by search.

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qtr 1-1 33 1718 247 3570 3535 3667 170 49
Qtr 2-1 2145 2612 3620 51 4810 703 115 111
Qtr 3-1 2619 3302 245 3322 1025 548 142 80
Qtr 4-1 573 3098 1684 4382 4405 1504 129 98
Qtr 1-2 1718 33 247 3570 3667 3535 176 88
Qtr 2-2 3620 2145 2612 4810 51 703 134 107
Qtr 3-2 245 3302 2619 1025 548 3322 124 90
Qtr 4-2 3098 573 1684 1504 4382 4405 111 112
Qtr 4-3 573 3098 1684 1504 4382 4405 133 70
Semi 1-1 33 247 1718 2612 3620 2145 150 140
Semi 2-1 3302 245 2619 1684 3098 573 127 115
Semi 1-2 33 247 1718 3620 2145 2612 154 113
Semi 2-2 3302 2619 245 3098 1684 573 131 116
Finals 1-1 33 1718 247 3302 245 2619 143 99
Finals 1-2 247 33 1718 245 2619 3302 113 82
All times are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams replaced by a backup team are shown with a underline.
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