Playoff Matches

Alliance Results


  Results are filtered by search.

Start Time
Red 1
Red 2
Red 3
Blue 1
Blue 2
Blue 3
Red Final
Blue Final
Qtr 1-1 2590 3123 341 1403 4342 222 123 115
Qtr 2-1 2559 365 103 2607 357 1218 96 110
Qtr 3-1 3974 816 1143 1168 2234 3151 101 48
Qtr 4-1 25 2729 2539 272 486 1640 100 101
Qtr 1-2 341 3123 2590 1403 222 4342 114 74
Qtr 2-2 2559 103 365 2607 1218 357 121 64
Qtr 3-2 816 1143 3974 1168 3151 2234 96 18
Qtr 4-2 2539 25 2729 272 486 1640 105 76
Qtr 2-3 103 365 2559 357 2607 1218 130 57
Qtr 4-3 25 2539 2729 272 486 1640 53 85
Semi 1-1 3123 341 2590 2559 103 365 87 86
Semi 2-1 816 3974 1143 272 1640 486 97 82
Semi 1-2 2590 3123 341 2559 103 365 150 120
Semi 2-2 3974 816 1143 486 1640 272 82 90
Semi 2-3 816 3974 1143 1640 486 272 82 49
Finals 1-1 341 2590 3123 1143 3974 816 94 98
Finals 1-2 2590 341 3123 816 3974 1143 114 82
Finals 1-3 2590 341 3123 816 1143 3974 78 73
All times are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams replaced by a backup team are shown with a underline.
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