Practice Schedule

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Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3
Practice 1 Thu 4/2 - 6:00 PM 4811 5223 5065 3534 5167 5214
Practice 2 Thu 4/2 - 6:10 PM 2337 5567 5774 4380 5650 3536
Practice 3 Thu 4/2 - 6:20 PM 226 3538 3619 469 5555 3096
Practice 4 Thu 4/2 - 6:30 PM 5662 3302 4994 5239 5053 5517
Practice 5 Thu 4/2 - 6:40 PM 2676 5048 3548 4130 818 33
Practice 6 Thu 4/2 - 6:50 PM 4961 1188 2591 5436 4840 3398
Practice 7 Thu 4/2 - 7:00 PM 5073 3539 4854 5217 247 4815
Practice 8 Thu 4/2 - 7:10 PM 5201 3534 5774 3619 2676 4994
Practice 9 Thu 4/2 - 7:20 PM 5555 4380 3398 4130 4811 5662
Practice 10 Thu 4/2 - 7:30 PM 469 1188 818 5214 5073 3536
Practice 11 Thu 4/2 - 7:40 PM 3539 3096 5053 2591 3548 5167
Practice 12 Thu 4/2 - 7:50 PM 5217 5201 5517 5048 5065 5436
Practice 13 Thu 4/2 - 8:00 PM 4840 3302 247 5223 2337 226
Practice 14 Thu 4/2 - 8:10 PM 4815 5650 4961 5239 33 3538
Practice 15 Thu 4/2 - 8:20 PM 5567 5053 818 4854 4811 5201
Practice 16 Thu 4/2 - 8:30 PM 5517 4380 4840 5073 3534 3096
Practice 17 Thu 4/2 - 8:40 PM 3548 5239 5217 5774 5555 1188
Practice 18 Thu 4/2 - 8:50 PM 33 5167 3619 247 3398 5567
Practice 19 Thu 4/2 - 9:00 PM 5065 3536 226 4815 5662 2591
Practice 20 Thu 4/2 - 9:10 PM 469 4994 4854 4961 2337 5048
Practice 21 Thu 4/2 - 9:20 PM 2676 5436 5214 3302 5650 3539
Practice 22 Thu 4/2 - 9:30 PM 5223 4130 1188 3538 5217 5201
All times are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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