Team 3925 - Circuit of Life (2015)

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2015 Robot: Rafiki
2015 Sponsors: Amgen/Haas Automation/Sessa Mfg./Pump Services Company/Ventura County Career Education Center/Qualcomm & VENTURA HIGH & EL CAMINO HIGH & BUENA HIGH & FOOTHILL TECHNOLOGY HIGH
Regional Rankings
2015 Sponsors: Amgen/Haas Automation/Sessa Mfg./Pump Services Company/Ventura County Career Education Center/Qualcomm & VENTURA HIGH & EL CAMINO HIGH & BUENA HIGH & FOOTHILL TECHNOLOGY HIGH
Regional Rankings
Team 3925's 2015 Awards
Award | Event |
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson | Ventura Regional |
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler | Central Valley Regional |
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