Practice Schedule

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Start Time
Red 1
Red 2
Red 3
Blue 1
Blue 2
Blue 3
Practice 1 Thu 3/28 - 7:03 PM 868 8564 2909 2197 1501 5484
Practice 2 Thu 3/28 - 7:15 PM 7657 868 5402 234 8564 3559
Practice 3 Thu 3/28 - 7:27 PM 6498 3559 4926 9491 8564 3176
Practice 4 Thu 3/28 - 7:42 PM 868 5484 5188 1501 9491 7454
Practice 5 Thu 3/28 - 7:52 PM 8564 6498 9554 3176 5402 7657
Practice 6 Thu 3/28 - 8:03 PM 868 8116 5484 7454 9491 5402
Practice 7 Thu 3/28 - 8:14 PM 7657 5484 8116 7454 9491 5402
Practice 8 Fri 3/29 - 8:48 AM 6498 5484 4485 9554 3947 3559
Practice 9 Fri 3/29 - 8:58 AM 5484 7657 234 8564 2197 5188
Practice 10 Fri 3/29 - 9:08 AM 4926 4485 1501 9453 9491 5402
Practice 11 Fri 3/29 - 9:17 AM 3176 1747 868 3947 9491 6498
Practice 12 Fri 3/29 - 9:26 AM 7454 8116 868 3559 5484 1720
Practice 13 Fri 3/29 - 9:36 AM 7657 4926 234 5188 2197 3452
Practice 14 Fri 3/29 - 9:45 AM 1501 7454 3176 5484 2197 1747
All times are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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