Practice Schedule

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Start Time
Red 1
Red 2
Red 3
Blue 1
Blue 2
Blue 3
Practice 1 Thu 4/4 - 11:21 AM 2054 8517 5436 3538 1506 1481
Practice 2 Thu 4/4 - 11:31 AM 8873 8517 2054 3538 1701
Practice 3 Thu 4/4 - 11:47 AM 68 1701 3538 8873 8517
Practice 4 Thu 4/4 - 1:46 PM 7154 4967 2611 2586 4130 8517
Practice 5 Thu 4/4 - 1:54 PM 3538 6113 3656 3536 8373 280
Practice 6 Thu 4/4 - 2:03 PM 8873 5530 3539 6570 1481 302
Practice 7 Thu 4/4 - 2:12 PM 4967 3688 4130 2611 9176 3875
Practice 8 Thu 4/4 - 2:26 PM 2586 1701 1506 8517 1 8427
Practice 9 Thu 4/4 - 2:33 PM 4130 3539 3770 5530 302 1684
Practice 10 Thu 4/4 - 2:41 PM 494 4967 6570 3688 3572 4381
Practice 11 Thu 4/4 - 2:48 PM 9215 2054 9176 1506 1701 5675
Practice 12 Thu 4/4 - 2:55 PM 3538 3656 3539 1684 1481 8517
Practice 13 Thu 4/4 - 3:02 PM 3546 68 3688 7501 4381 494
Practice 14 Thu 4/4 - 1:57 PM 6570 3656 494 8873 68 5675
Practice 15 Thu 4/4 - 2:06 PM 1481 3688 2611 302 9215 4381
Practice 16 Thu 4/4 - 2:15 PM 5436 3539 3546 3572 7154 1701
Practice 17 Thu 4/4 - 2:24 PM 1684 5530 5676 2586 1506 3770
Practice 18 Thu 4/4 - 2:33 PM 494 2054 123 9176 1 858
Practice 19 Thu 4/4 - 2:42 PM 280 3875 6113 3536 3538 4130
Practice 20 Thu 4/4 - 2:51 PM 8373 8427 7501 4967 8517 8873
All times are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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