Practice Schedule

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Start Time
Red 1
Red 2
Red 3
Blue 1
Blue 2
Blue 3
Practice 1 Thu 3/14 - 12:20 PM 7102 9060 5887 6017 9213 3472
Practice 2 Thu 3/14 - 12:35 PM 5948 6017 9280 6702 9134 7102
Practice 3 Thu 3/14 - 12:51 PM 3354 3472 6702 4010 9593 3478
Practice 4 Thu 3/14 - 1:04 PM 6017 9280 3354 9282 5705 5948
Practice 5 Thu 3/14 - 1:14 PM 6694 3472 6606 3478 9593 4782
Practice 6 Thu 3/14 - 1:23 PM 6647 9280 6605 5948 6702 3527
Practice 7 Thu 3/14 - 1:34 PM 7102 9134 9213 3472 9280 6647
Practice 8 Thu 3/14 - 1:44 PM 6702 7102 9593 6017 3478 4731
Practice 9 Thu 3/14 - 1:53 PM 7102 4010 5705 6608 6694 6647
Practice 10 Thu 3/14 - 2:03 PM 9282 3472 4782 6017 6647 5887
Practice 11 Thu 3/14 - 3:08 PM 6702 6606 6896 4782 3472 3354
Practice 12 Thu 3/14 - 3:23 PM 9134 3478 5948 6694 4010 6702
Practice 13 Thu 3/14 - 3:32 PM 9103 6606 7725 7102 6647 9280
Practice 14 Thu 3/14 - 3:41 PM 5705 4782 5948 9280 9593 9282
Practice 15 Thu 3/14 - 3:52 PM 5887 6647 3478 9280 7102 9702
Practice 16 Thu 3/14 - 4:03 PM 6017 5948 6647 6702 5887 9134
Practice 17 Thu 3/14 - 4:11 PM 9103 6647 6694 4782 4735 9213
Practice 18 Thu 3/14 - 4:22 PM 6702 9282 6694 6608 6017 6647
Practice 19 Thu 3/14 - 4:36 PM 6694 5705 3354 9280 6017 4355
Practice 20 Thu 3/14 - 4:47 PM 5887 3354 3478 9060 7102 5948
Practice 21 Thu 3/14 - 4:57 PM 9593 6606 6694 6017 7102 6647
All times are displayed in Pacific Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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