Practice Schedule

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Start Time
Red 1
Red 2
Red 3
Blue 1
Blue 2
Blue 3
Practice 1 Mon 3/4 - 12:39 PM 3984 9152 3139 1466 7431 3843
Practice 2 Mon 3/4 - 12:54 PM 801 538 4265 5744 7428 5005
Practice 3 Mon 3/4 - 1:07 PM 6302 3140 6517 7516 2872 4020
Practice 4 Mon 3/4 - 1:17 PM 2010 4462 3824 3821 1592 9097
Practice 5 Mon 3/4 - 1:29 PM 2393 2783 7428 3966 9668 234
Practice 6 Mon 3/4 - 1:38 PM 4630 6107 3140 1014 4462 5744
Practice 7 Mon 3/4 - 1:47 PM 4020 3139 7431 538 3821 2393
Practice 8 Mon 3/4 - 1:57 PM 7516 1592 1466 234 1014 2856
Practice 9 Mon 3/4 - 2:10 PM 4265 3140 9097 2393 4630 3984
Practice 10 Mon 3/4 - 2:26 PM 2783 6517 3966 3843 801 2010
Practice 11 Mon 3/4 - 2:40 PM 3824 5005 9668 6107 2872 1592
Practice 12 Mon 3/4 - 2:50 PM 4462 3966 3821 6517 3139 1466
Practice 13 Mon 3/4 - 3:00 PM 1592 2393 801 6107 4020 7428
Practice 14 Mon 3/4 - 3:11 PM 2856 2010 3984 9668 4020 6107
Practice 15 Mon 3/4 - 3:23 PM 1014 3824 3843 7428 2393 538
Practice 16 Mon 3/4 - 3:34 PM 9097 234 2783 3140 5005 3139
Practice 17 Mon 3/4 - 3:43 PM 6517 5744 2872 7431 7428 1592
Practice 18 Mon 3/4 - 3:59 PM 4020 4462 1014 3139 6107 2783
Practice 19 Mon 3/4 - 4:10 PM 2393 1466 7428 5005 6107 2010
Practice 20 Mon 3/4 - 4:22 PM 7428 2856 4020 3966 3824 3140
Practice 21 Mon 3/4 - 4:34 PM 2393 3843 9668 2783 9097 801
Practice 22 Mon 3/4 - 4:46 PM 2872 3984 1466 234 801 4462
All times are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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