Hawaiian Kids Waialua High & Interm School
State of Hawaii Dream Equipment Dream Fund - 1,800,000.00/State of Hawaii CIP - 1,350,000.00/State of Hawaii Title IV-A SSAE Grant - 320,000.00/State of Hawaii DHS Uplink Grant - 138,000.00/Waialua Complex 21st CCLC Grant - 95,000.00/Friends of Waialua Robotics, Inc. - 40,000.00/McInerny Foundation - 30,000.00/Waialua High School STEM Learning Center - 20,000.00/PHNSY & IMF - 23,750.00/Career & Technical Education - Perkins and State - 17,800.00/Atherton Family Foundation - 10,000.00/First Hawaiian Bank Foundation - 10,000.00/Corteva Agriscience - 8,000.00/L3 Harris Foundation - 5,000.00/Ms. Fumiko Horii - 5,000.00/Waialua Federal Credit Union - 5,000.00/Susan L. Smith Charitable Fund - 2,000.00/Gene Haas Foundation - 2,750.00/RTX-Raytheon - 2,500.00/Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association - AFCEA International - 2000.00/Hawaiian Electric Company - 2,000.00/BAE Systems P&S - 2,000.00/Island X Hawaii - 1,000.00/HawaiiUSA Federal Credit Un... &Waialua High & Interm School
Penticton Robotics Penticton Secondary School & Princess Margaret Secondary School
Nufloors Penticton/Kinetic Custom Trailors/NeuHouzz Real Estate/TD Bank/Wyper Law/Tony's Meats/Total Restoration/Cutting Edge Counters/Bradford Bookkeeping/Westland Insurance&Princess Margaret Secondary School&Penticton Secondary School
The Aluminum Narwhals Canyon Crest Academy
Solar Turbines/DoD STEM/Gene Haas/Raytheon RTX/Qualcomm/TE Connectivity/BAE ES/Lockheed Martin/Sandwiches of History/Northrop Grumman/Intuitive/Brain Corp./FIRST&Canyon Crest Academy
Chaos Theory Summit High School
PCC Schlosser/Trans Canada/Kendall/LAM Research/Pacific Power/Onto Innovation/Brooks Resources/Daimler Chrysler/Generac/Arrived/Polymaker/Alpine Eye Care/Willamette Valley Pies/Casscade Heating/Miller Lumber/Novunex&Summit High School
Hawaiian Kids Waialua High & Interm School
State of Hawaii Dream Equipment Dream Fund - 1,800,000.00/State of Hawaii CIP - 1,350,000.00/State of Hawaii Title IV-A SSAE Grant - 320,000.00/State of Hawaii DHS Uplink Grant - 138,000.00/Waialua Complex 21st CCLC Grant - 95,000.00/Friends of Waialua Robotics, Inc. - 40,000.00/McInerny Foundation - 30,000.00/Waialua High School STEM Learning Center - 20,000.00/PHNSY & IMF - 23,750.00/Career & Technical Education - Perkins and State - 17,800.00/Atherton Family Foundation - 10,000.00/First Hawaiian Bank Foundation - 10,000.00/Corteva Agriscience - 8,000.00/L3 Harris Foundation - 5,000.00/Ms. Fumiko Horii - 5,000.00/Waialua Federal Credit Union - 5,000.00/Susan L. Smith Charitable Fund - 2,000.00/Gene Haas Foundation - 2,750.00/RTX-Raytheon - 2,500.00/Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association - AFCEA International - 2000.00/Hawaiian Electric Company - 2,000.00/BAE Systems P&S - 2,000.00/Island X Hawaii - 1,000.00/HawaiiUSA Federal Credit Un... &Waialua High & Interm School
Spectrum ThunderBots Spectrum Community School
RBC PHNN Investment Council/Argosy Foundation/Island Temperature Controls/Spectrum Parent Advisory Commitee&Spectrum Community School
The Aluminum Narwhals Canyon Crest Academy
Solar Turbines/DoD STEM/Gene Haas/Raytheon RTX/Qualcomm/TE Connectivity/BAE ES/Lockheed Martin/Sandwiches of History/Northrop Grumman/Intuitive/Brain Corp./FIRST&Canyon Crest Academy
Chaos Theory Summit High School
PCC Schlosser/Trans Canada/Kendall/LAM Research/Pacific Power/Onto Innovation/Brooks Resources/Daimler Chrysler/Generac/Arrived/Polymaker/Alpine Eye Care/Willamette Valley Pies/Casscade Heating/Miller Lumber/Novunex&Summit High School
Iron Maple Shenzhen(Nanshan)Concord College of Sino-Canada
深圳数码模汽车技术有限公司/深圳市億和精密科技集團有限公司/搭搭乐乐/Dual Smart Multi-function Kitchen Appliance/DJI innovation/Fujica深圳市富士智能系统有限公司 & Shenzhen(Nanshan)Concord College of Sino-Canada