Practice Schedule

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Start Time
Red 1
Red 2
Red 3
Blue 1
Blue 2
Blue 3
Practice 1 Thu 2/27 - 7:12 PM 2137 10668 5150 27 9757 1504
Practice 2 Thu 2/27 - 7:52 PM 9245 2137 8385 5460 27 7195
Practice 3 Thu 2/27 - 8:15 PM 1498 9245 2137 573 2145 5234
Practice 4 Thu 2/27 - 8:27 PM 9245 1498 2137 894 27 5460
Practice 5 Thu 2/27 - 8:44 PM 9648 894 9245 7491 573 1
Practice 6 Thu 2/27 - 8:57 PM 5460 27 9245 2145 1498 910
Practice 7 Thu 2/27 - 9:09 PM 9757 910 494 2137 3534 573
Practice 8 Thu 2/27 - 9:27 PM 4994 245 9245 70 910 1
Practice 9 Thu 2/27 - 8:20 PM 1 7784 573 2145 4998 7491
Practice 10 Thu 2/27 - 8:30 PM 910 27 5235 8193 1498 9648
Practice 11 Thu 2/27 - 8:40 PM 10659 5641 70 3534 9697 5150
Practice 12 Thu 2/27 - 8:50 PM 7195 10667 5234 9207 494 5460
Practice 13 Thu 2/27 - 9:00 PM 6631 6067 894 245 1504 4994
Practice 14 Thu 2/27 - 9:10 PM 8385 8193 5260 5697 2145 9776
Practice 15 Thu 2/27 - 9:20 PM 5084 7491 5282 5641 910 9697
Practice 16 Thu 2/27 - 9:30 PM 1498 10668 9207 2137 10659 4998
Practice 17 Thu 2/27 - 9:40 PM 494 7195 9757 894 573 3534
Practice 18 Thu 2/27 - 9:50 PM 9245 1 245 5460 4994 27
Practice 19 Thu 2/27 - 10:00 PM 1504 9648 6067 70 5260 10667
Practice 20 Thu 2/27 - 10:10 PM 5234 5150 5697 7784 5235 6631
All times are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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