Goon Squad Woodhaven High School
General Motors/Ford Motor Company/Bosch/Altair/Operating Engineers 324/UAW Region 1A/DADARA/Woodhaven/Brownstown School District&Woodhaven High School
The Ravens Royal Oak High School
General Motors/Bosch/TS Tech Americas/Inoac/Michigan Dept of Education/Michigan Engineering Zone (MEZ)&Royal Oak High School
Hackbots North Farmington High School & Farmington High School
General Motors/Nissan/Bosch/Farmington Public Schools/ZF/Farmington & Farmington Hills Youth Foundation/Lawrence Technological University/Gene Haas Foundation&Farmington High School&North Farmington High School
Cyber Cats Stoney Creek High School
GM/Celenese/GSI Electrical/BAE Systems/Brose North America, Inc./David & Denise Carlson Charitable Foundation/State of MI Dept of Education/American Axle & Manufacturing/Norma Group/Stoney Creek Free and Accepted Masons Lodge #5/Friends & Families of the Cyber Cats&Stoney Creek High School
K9.0 Robotics The School at Marygrove
KLA Foundation/Collaborative Robotics/Michigan Department of Education/Ford Motor Company/Michigan Engineering Zone&The School at Marygrove
Truck Town Thunder Brandon High School
General Motors/Michigan Department of Education/Smith Family Trust/Shannon Precision Fastener/Kawasaki Robotics/JR Automation/B.A.M. Telecommunications/Entech Staffing Solutions/Treasured Roses Anime/China Fare Restaurant/Hungry Howies-Ortonville/Kotz Heating & Air Conditioning/Cole's Machine Inc&Brandon High School
The Wired Devils Grosse Ile High School
Grosse Ile Educational Foundation/Ford Motor Company/Stellantis Company/Offsite Printing Company/DADARA Organization&Grosse Ile High School
K9.0 Robotics The School at Marygrove
KLA Foundation/Collaborative Robotics/Michigan Department of Education/Ford Motor Company/Michigan Engineering Zone&The School at Marygrove
Cyber Cats Stoney Creek High School
GM/Celenese/GSI Electrical/BAE Systems/Brose North America, Inc./David & Denise Carlson Charitable Foundation/State of MI Dept of Education/American Axle & Manufacturing/Norma Group/Stoney Creek Free and Accepted Masons Lodge #5/Friends & Families of the Cyber Cats&Stoney Creek High School
AzTech Eagles Cesar Chavez Academy HS
General Motors/DTE Foundation/Ford Motor Company/Ideal Group/Molex/RECD - Robotics Engineering Center of Detroit&Cesar Chavez Academy HS
Hackbots North Farmington High School & Farmington High School
General Motors/Nissan/Bosch/Farmington Public Schools/ZF/Farmington & Farmington Hills Youth Foundation/Lawrence Technological University/Gene Haas Foundation&Farmington High School&North Farmington High School
Whiteford Bobcats Whiteford Middle High School
Michigan Department of Education/Middough Inc./Andon Cedar Split Fencing/SSOE&Whiteford Middle High School
The Dragons Lake Orion High School
General Motors/APTIV/ETAS/HI-LEX/MI Dept. of Education/Williams Family/Cummins/Stellantis/Freedom Building Company/Borg Warner/The Stone Family/ABB Inc/Lake Orion Lions Club/Master Radiator/View Newspaper Group - Lake Orion Review/Kettering / GMI Alumni Association/Acme Manufacturing/Lee Machinery Movers/Altair&Lake Orion High School
Crevolution Utica Academy For International Studies
Utica Community Schools/Accu-rite Industries/Printbed/General Motors/Insightec&Utica Academy For International Studies
TorqueNados Trenton High School
Stapula Solutions/Kaiser Innovation/State of Michigan/FORD Motor Company/HAAS/Smith Mihas Law/Witron/FANUC/TL Financial Group/VOSS Taylor/GM/Briscoe Family/Detroit and Downriver Area Robotics Alliance (DADARA)&Trenton High School