Practice Schedule

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Start Time
Red 1
Red 2
Red 3
Blue 1
Blue 2
Blue 3
Practice 1 Thu 3/20 - 7:20 PM 10591 10361 8575 2815 281 1758
Practice 2 Thu 3/20 - 7:30 PM 343 1287 9571 10367 3490 4451
Practice 3 Thu 3/20 - 7:48 PM 281 5130 4533 1319 10367 1051
Practice 4 Thu 3/20 - 7:59 PM 1758 9315 6961 1102 10351 1293
Practice 5 Thu 3/20 - 8:10 PM 4864 7085 342 3490 10388 4451
Practice 6 Thu 3/20 - 8:19 PM 1051 6366 1319 6167 343 8575
Practice 7 Fri 3/21 - 9:10 AM 281 8575 1287 9571 6961 343
Practice 8 Fri 3/21 - 9:19 AM 10361 1758 5130 9315 10619 3490
Practice 9 Fri 3/21 - 9:28 AM 1293 4451 3976 343 2815 1539
Practice 10 Fri 3/21 - 9:38 AM 1758 1051 6167 343 10599 4864
Practice 11 Fri 3/21 - 9:47 AM 8575 1102 10231 342 4533 6366
Practice 12 Fri 3/21 - 9:56 AM 281 8137 1287 10388 1319 9571
All times are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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