Practice Schedule

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Start Time
Red 1
Red 2
Red 3
Blue 1
Blue 2
Blue 3
Practice 1 Tue 3/4 - 1:14 PM 6431 6417 9483 10531 9565 9635
Practice 2 Tue 3/4 - 1:39 PM 6417 9265 8557 9025 9635 9232
Practice 3 Tue 3/4 - 1:55 PM 10251 10465 8159 6838 9483 6025
Practice 4 Tue 3/4 - 2:18 PM 6431 6459 9635 10623 10445 10428
Practice 5 Tue 3/4 - 2:32 PM 9265 6417 7611 8557 6838 9232
Practice 6 Tue 3/4 - 2:46 PM 6025 10428 8058 6431 9232 10528
Practice 7 Tue 3/4 - 2:56 PM 9265 6417 8151 8092 10604 6431
Practice 8 Tue 3/4 - 3:19 PM 6838 6431 10428 8159 10608 8011
Practice 9 Tue 3/4 - 3:32 PM 9635 6025 9565 6459 6431 10251
Practice 10 Tue 3/4 - 3:46 PM 8557 7611 9483 6838 10141 9635
Practice 11 Tue 3/4 - 4:06 PM 10445 10428 8011 9265 8159 6431
Practice 12 Tue 3/4 - 4:20 PM 9635 6025 10623 9483 6431 10465
Practice 13 Tue 3/4 - 4:34 PM 10445 10528 6417 8151 10428 9025
Practice 14 Tue 3/4 - 4:48 PM 10428 9635 8261 8151 6431 10445
Practice 15 Tue 3/4 - 5:01 PM 10532 10528 10608 10445 10041 6838
Practice 16 Tue 3/4 - 5:13 PM 8557 10528 6459 10604 10531 8159
Practice 17 Tue 3/4 - 5:25 PM 10445 8011 6459 10465 8557 8092
Practice 18 Tue 3/4 - 5:41 PM 10141 10576 9694 7611 6025 8557
Practice 19 Tue 3/4 - 5:53 PM 8159 9483 10230 6417 9583 9635
Practice 20 Tue 3/4 - 6:06 PM 8011 10428 10445 8058 6459 6025
Practice 21 Tue 3/4 - 6:19 PM 10604 6431 10531 6459 6838 9635
Practice 22 Tue 3/4 - 6:28 PM 9694 9025 9483 8011 8151 10445
Practice 23 Tue 3/4 - 6:38 PM 10608 6431 7296 6459 8261 6417
Practice 24 Tue 3/4 - 6:49 PM 9610 8092 10445 10428 9483 8159
Practice 25 Tue 3/4 - 7:00 PM 6459 6431 10445 8011 8159 7611
All times are displayed in Turkey Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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