Mavericks Victoria West High School
Dow/DoDSTEM/Texas Workforce Commission/University Of Houston-Victoria/Crossroads STEAM Alliance&Victoria West High School
Chips Clear Brook High School
NASA Johnson Space Center/Clear Creek Independent School District/Boeing/All Points/Aerodyne Industries/Roy Anderson Memorial/Southeast Dermatology/Texas Children's Urgent Care/Texas Workforce Commision/Gene Haas Foundation&Clear Brook High School
Spartans Stafford High School
Spartans Robotics/Hunting Company/Rudolph Medical Associates/Texas Workforce Commission/Lena Tax Services/Best Burgers/Stafford MSD/FIRST in Texas/HEB/Quoc Hai-Van Charity Foundation/Smart Financial/The George Foundation&Stafford High School
TriKzR4Kidz Del Rio High School
San Felipe Del Rio Consolidated Independent School District/SFDRCISD Career and Technical Education Department/The Bank & Trust/Team 4063 Booster Club&Del Rio High School
DiscoBots Westside High School & Lamar High School & Carnegie-Vanguard High School
Shell/Bechtel/ExxonMobil/Gene Haas Foundation/Texas Workforce Commission/EPO Houston/Argosy Foundation&Lamar High School&Carnegie-Vanguard High School&Westside High School