Playoff Matches

Alliance Results


  Results are filtered by search.

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qtr 1-1 3683 1114 4718 1325 2994 3161 165 65
Qtr 2-1 907 3360 4627 2198 4476 1285 96 237
Qtr 3-1 1241 3173 3710 3988 781 3386 137 96
Qtr 4-1 3986 4618 1503 5031 4825 2013 151 116
Qtr 1-2 4718 3683 1114 2994 1325 3161 235 71
Qtr 2-2 907 3360 4627 4476 1285 2198 71 152
Qtr 3-2 1241 3710 3173 781 3988 3386 152 71
Qtr 4-2 1503 4618 3986 2013 4825 5031 117 128
Qtr 4-3 1503 4618 3986 4825 5031 2013 187 127
Semi 1-1 4718 3683 1114 1285 2198 4476 96 153
Semi 2-1 3173 1241 3710 4618 3986 1503 131 130
Semi 1-2 1114 3683 4718 2198 4476 1285 116 190
Semi 2-2 3710 1241 3173 3986 1503 4618 106 92
Finals 1-1 2198 4476 1285 3173 1241 3710 147 60
Finals 1-2 1285 4476 2198 1241 3173 3710 79 57
All times are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams replaced by a backup team are shown with a underline.
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