Practice Schedule

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Start Time
Red 1
Red 2
Red 3
Blue 1
Blue 2
Blue 3
Practice 1 Thu 4/9 - 9:00 AM 811 58 61 4048 230 133
Practice 2 Thu 4/9 - 9:21 AM 1519 1073 95 885 4905 5122
Practice 3 Thu 4/9 - 9:28 AM 88 1124 2877 2170 1735 3146
Practice 4 Thu 4/9 - 9:35 AM 237 4909 5735 2876 1099 501
Practice 5 Thu 4/9 - 9:43 AM 2648 2836 126 213 3467 2067
Practice 6 Thu 4/9 - 9:51 AM 2342 4564 155 178 176 1519
Practice 7 Thu 4/9 - 9:58 AM 88 236 175 319 125 999
Practice 8 Thu 4/9 - 10:06 AM 1519 3930 558 1768 172 3464
Practice 9 Thu 4/9 - 10:14 AM 4055 236 138 2877 5687 173
Practice 10 Thu 4/9 - 10:21 AM 1519 1100 176 3718 467 501
Practice 11 Thu 4/9 - 10:30 AM 1099 885 176 2877 4564 2067
Practice 12 Thu 4/9 - 10:39 AM 1735 138 213 5735 95 319
Practice 13 Thu 4/9 - 10:47 AM 4909 3146 558 126 175 2342
Practice 14 Thu 4/9 - 10:55 AM 501 4564 1100 1519 230 3464
Practice 15 Thu 4/9 - 11:05 AM 5122 3718 885 133 1073 2836
Practice 16 Thu 4/9 - 11:14 AM 3464 1519 501 236 138 1100
Practice 17 Thu 4/9 - 11:21 AM 1768 195 237 166 5687 61
Practice 18 Thu 4/9 - 11:30 AM 4048 467 1124 4055 2064 155
Practice 19 Thu 4/9 - 11:38 AM 3718 885 172 88 58 2836
Practice 20 Thu 4/9 - 11:46 AM 999 173 58 501 3930 2168
All times are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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