2020 Season Event List

A quick glance at this page can provide an overview of all FIRST Robotics Competition events this season. You can click on the event code in the first column to view additional information about the event, hover over the week number to see the event start date, and use the color of the "Remaining" column as a guide to analyzing event capacities. By default, the table is sorted by event type then alphabetically. You can re-sort by clicking on the columns, holding the shift key to select multiple columns.

View OffSeason Events

This page was last rendered 3/23/2025 7:44 AM Eastern.

Team Capacity
Event Code
Name 197
CALN 1 Los Angeles North Regional 42 42 0
CTNCT 1 NE District Northern CT Event 39 39 0
GAGAI 1 PCH District Gainesville Event presented by Automation Direct 36 36 0
ISDE1 1 ISR District Event #1 32 33 0
ISDE2 1 ISR District Event #2 35 32 0
MIKET 1 FIM District Kettering University Event #1 40 40 0
MIMCC 1 FIM District Macomb Community College Event 40 38 0
MISOU 1 FIM District Southfield Event 40 40 0
MITVC 1 FIM District Traverse City Event 40 40 0
MOKC 1 Greater Kansas City Regional 36 36 0
MXMO 1 Regional Monterrey 44 44 0
NCWAK 1 FNC District Wake County Event 31 29 0
NDGF 1 Great Northern Regional 63 60 0
NHGRS 1 NE District Granite State Event 40 40 0
OHMV 1 Miami Valley Regional 60 60 0
ONOSH 1 ONT District Durham College Event 36 36 0
ORORE 1 PNW District Clackamas Academy Event 37 36 0
PAHAT 1 FMA District Hatboro-Horsham Event 36 36 0
SCMB 1 Palmetto Regional 64 64 0
TXDRI 1 FIT District Dripping Springs Event 34 32 0
TXGRE 1 FIT District Greenville Event 32 30 0
VAHAY 1 CHS District Haymarket VA Event 38 38 0
WASNO 1 PNW District Glacier Peak Event 38 37 0
ARLI 2 Arkansas Regional 59 59 0
BCVI 2 Canadian Pacific Regional 46 42 0
CADM 2 Del Mar Regional 60 58 0
CALA 2 Los Angeles Regional 44 44 0
CHTA 2 * Science Park Taichung Regional (Cancelled) 31 28 0
CTWAT 2 NE District Waterbury Event 37 37 0
GADAL 2 PCH District Dalton Event 36 36 0
ILCH 2 Midwest Regional 54 54 0
INBLO 2 IN District Bloomington Event 33 33 0
MABRI 2 NE District SE Mass Event 40 38 0
MDBET 2 CHS District Bethesda MD Event sponsored by Accenture 36 35 0
MIJAC 2 FIM District Jackson Event 40 40 0
MIKE2 2 FIM District Kettering University Event #2 41 41 0
MIKNG 2 FIM District Kingsford Event 40 40 0
MIMIL 2 FIM District Milford Event 40 40 0
MISJO 2 FIM District St. Joseph Event 40 40 0
MNDU 2 Lake Superior Regional 63 63 0
MNDU2 2 Northern Lights Regional 60 60 0
NCPEM 2 FNC District UNC Pembroke Event 29 29 0
NJFLA 2 * FMA District Mount Olive Event (Cancelled) 36 36 0
ONBAR 2 ONT District Georgian College Event 30 29 0
ONTO3 2 ONT District Humber College Event 32 30 0
QCSH 2 Festival de Robotique a Sherbrooke Regional 42 29 0
TUIS 2 Istanbul Regional 66 51 0
TXCHA 2 FIT District Channelview Event 34 33 0
TXDEL 2 FIT District Del Rio Event 31 30 0
TXPLA 2 FIT District Plano Event 30 30 0
UTWV 2 Utah Regional 55 54 0
VAGLE 2 CHS District Richmond VA Event sponsored by Dominion Energy 37 37 0
WAAMV 2 * PNW District Auburn Mountainview Event - See Site Info Document (Cancelled) 39 39 0
WASPO 2 PNW District West Valley Event 25 24 0
AUSC 3 * Southern Cross Regional (Cancelled) 45 34 0
AZFL 3 * Arizona North Regional (Cancelled) 64 47 0
BEXI 3 * Beijing Cultural Exchange Event #1 (Cancelled) 52 43 0
CAFR 3 * Central Valley Regional (Cancelled) 54 52 0
CASD 3 * San Diego Regional presented by Qualcomm (Cancelled) 60 59 0
FLOR 3 * Orlando Regional (Cancelled) 64 65 0
GACOL 3 * PCH District Columbus Event (Cancelled) 32 32 0
INMIS 3 * IN District St. Joseph Event (Cancelled) 28 28 0
ISDE3 3 * ISR District Event #3 (Cancelled) 36 33 0
MAREA 3 * NE District North Shore Event (Cancelled) 40 40 0
MDOWI 3 * CHS District Owings Mills MD Event (Cancelled) 43 43 0
MIBEL 3 * FIM District Belleville Event (Cancelled) 40 40 0
MIDET 3 * FIM District Detroit Event (Cancelled) 40 40 0
MIESC 3 * FIM District Escanaba Event (Cancelled) 41 41 0
MIGUL 3 * FIM District Gull Lake Event (Cancelled) 41 41 0
MIMUS 3 * FIM District Muskegon Event (Cancelled) 40 40 0
MOSL 3 * St. Louis Regional (Cancelled) 49 43 0
NCGRE 3 * FNC District ECU Event (Cancelled) 32 30 0
NJROB 3 * FMA District Robbinsville Event (Cancelled) 42 42 0
NYRO 3 * Finger Lakes Regional (Cancelled) 60 52 0
NYTR 3 * New York Tech Valley Regional (Cancelled) 36 27 0
OKOK 3 * Oklahoma Regional (Cancelled) 62 48 0
ONOTT 3 * ONT District Carleton University Event (Cancelled) 28 26 0
ONTO1 3 * ONT District Ryerson University Event (Cancelled) 35 34 0
ORWIL 3 * PNW District Wilsonville Event (Cancelled) 37 37 0
PAPHI 3 * FMA District Springside Chestnut Hill Academy Event (Cancelled) 33 33 0
TUIS2 3 Bosphorus Regional 66 53 0
TXAMA 3 * FIT District Amarillo Event (Cancelled) 26 20 0
TXFOR 3 * FIT District Fort Worth Event (Cancelled) 27 25 0
TXNEW 3 * FIT District New Braunfels Event (Cancelled) 31 31 0
VAPOR 3 * CHS District Portsmouth VA Event - See Site Info Document (Cancelled) 33 29 0
AUSP 4 * South Pacific Regional (Cancelled) 64 42 0
BEXI2 4 * Beijing Cultural Exchange Event #2 (Cancelled) 52 49 0
CASF 4 * San Francisco Regional (Cancelled) 42 40 0
CAVE 4 * Ventura Regional (Cancelled) 42 40 0
CODE 4 * Colorado Regional (Cancelled) 55 55 0
GACAR 4 * PCH District Carrollton Event (Cancelled) 39 39 0
HIHO 4 * Hawaii Regional (Cancelled) 40 37 0
ILPE 4 * Central Illinois Regional (Cancelled) 40 38 0
INCOL 4 * IN District Columbus Event (Cancelled) 30 30 0
ISDE4 4 * ISR District Event #4 (Cancelled) 37 37 0
KSLA 4 * Heartland Regional (Cancelled) 36 34 0
MAWNE 4 * NE District Western NE Event (Cancelled) 40 39 0
MAWOR 4 * NE District WPI Event (Cancelled) 41 41 0
MDEDG 4 * CHS District Edgewater MD Event sponsored by Leidos (Cancelled) 39 39 0
MICEN 4 * FIM District Center Line Event (Cancelled) 40 40 0
MILAN 4 * FIM District Lansing Event (Cancelled) 40 40 0
MILIN 4 * FIM District Lincoln Event (Cancelled) 40 40 0
MIMID 4 * FIM District Midland Event (Cancelled) 40 40 0
MIWMI 4 * FIM District West Michigan Event (Cancelled) 42 42 0
MXTO 4 * Regional Laguna (Cancelled) 46 46 0
NCGUI 4 * FNC District Guilford County Event (Cancelled) 30 29 0
NJBRI 4 * FMA District Bridgewater-Raritan Event (Cancelled) 37 37 0
NJTAB 4 * FMA District Seneca Event (Cancelled) 35 35 0
NYLI 4 * SBPLI Long Island Regional #1 (Cancelled) 48 37 0
NYSU 4 * Hudson Valley Regional (Cancelled) 49 49 0
NYUT 4 * Central New York Regional (Cancelled) 40 22 0
ONNYO 4 * ONT District York University Event (Cancelled) 34 31 0
ONWAT 4 * ONT District University of Waterloo Event (Cancelled) 29 29 0
PACA 4 * Greater Pittsburgh Regional (Cancelled) 54 49 0
TNME 4 * Memphis Regional (Cancelled) 40 37 0
TXAUS 4 * FIT District Austin Event (Cancelled) 30 30 0
TXDLS 4 * FIT District Dallas Event (Cancelled) 32 32 0
TXHOU 4 * FIT District Houston Event (Cancelled) 32 32 0
VABLA 4 * CHS District Blacksburg VA Event (Cancelled) 33 32 0
WABEL 4 * PNW District Bellingham Event (Cancelled) 36 36 0
WAYAK 4 * PNW District SunDome Event (Cancelled) 35 34 0
WIMI 4 * Wisconsin Regional (Cancelled) 53 53 0
CADA 5 * Sacramento Regional (Cancelled) 62 59 0
CAMB 5 * Monterey Bay Regional (Cancelled) 36 35 0
GAALB 5 * PCH District Albany Event presented by Procter & Gamble (Cancelled) 32 32 0
IACF 5 * Iowa Regional (Cancelled) 63 63 0
IDBO 5 * Idaho Regional (Cancelled) 56 40 0
INPMH 5 * IN District Perry Meridian Event (Cancelled) 31 31 0
LAKE 5 * Bayou Regional (Cancelled) 60 56 0
MABOS 5 * NE District Greater Boston Event (Cancelled) 41 41 0
MIALP 5 * FIM District Alpena Event #1 (Cancelled) 40 40 0
MIFER 5 * FIM District Ferris State Event (Cancelled) 40 40 0
MILAK 5 * FIM District Lakeview Event (Cancelled) 41 41 0
MILIV 5 * FIM District Livonia Event (Cancelled) 40 40 0
MIWOO 5 * FIM District Woodhaven Event (Cancelled) 40 40 0
MNMI 5 * Minnesota 10,000 Lakes Regional Presented by the Medtronic Foundation (Cancelled) 63 63 0
MNMI2 5 * Minnesota North Star Regional (Cancelled) 60 60 0
NCASH 5 * FNC District UNC Asheville Event (Cancelled) 31 31 0
NHSNH 5 * NE District Southern NH Event (Cancelled) 41 41 0
NJSKI 5 * FMA District Montgomery Event (Cancelled) 36 36 0
NVLV 5 * Las Vegas Regional (Cancelled) 45 45 0
NYLI2 5 * SBPLI Long Island Regional #2 (Cancelled) 48 43 0
OHCL 5 * Buckeye Regional (Cancelled) 60 61 0
ONNOB 5 * ONT District North Bay Event (Cancelled) 34 27 0
ONWIN 5 * ONT District Windsor Essex Great Lakes Event (Cancelled) 36 33 0
ORSAL 5 * PNW District Oregon State Fairgrounds Event (Cancelled) 28 28 0
PABEN 5 * FMA District Bensalem Event (Cancelled) 35 34 0
TNKN 5 * Smoky Mountains Regional (Cancelled) 54 54 0
TXELP 5 * FIT District El Paso Event (Cancelled) 27 25 0
TXPAS 5 * FIT District Pasadena Event (Cancelled) 32 32 0
WAAHS 5 * PNW District Auburn Event (Cancelled) 37 38 0
ABCA 6 * Canadian Rockies Regional (Cancelled) 45 32 0
ALHU 6 * Rocket City Regional (Cancelled) 56 48 0
AZPX 6 * Arizona West Regional (Cancelled) 42 42 0
CAAV 6 * Aerospace Valley Regional (Cancelled) 38 37 0
CAOC 6 * Orange County Regional (Cancelled) 50 50 0
CASJ 6 * Silicon Valley Regional (Cancelled) 60 57 0
CHCMP 6 * FIRST Chesapeake District Championship sponsored by Newport News Shipbuilding (Cancelled) 3 3 0
CTHAR 6 * NE District Hartford Event (Cancelled) 41 40 0
FLWP 6 * South Florida Regional (Cancelled) 64 61 0
FTCMP 6 * FIRST In Texas District Championship (Cancelled) 4 4 0
GACMP 6 * Peachtree District State Championship (Cancelled) 2 2 0
INCMP 6 * Indiana State Championship (Cancelled) 1 1 0
ISCMP 6 * FIRST Israel District Championship (Cancelled) 1 1 0
MELEW 6 * NE District Pine Tree Event (Cancelled) 40 40 0
MIAL2 6 * FIM District Alpena Event #2 (Cancelled) 40 39 0
MIKEN 6 * FIM District East Kentwood Event (Cancelled) 40 40 0
MIMAR 6 * FIM District Marysville Event (Cancelled) 40 40 0
MISHE 6 * FIM District Shepherd Event (Cancelled) 40 40 0
MITRY 6 * FIM District Troy Event (Cancelled) 41 41 0
MOKC3 6 * Central Missouri Regional (Cancelled) 36 36 0
MRCMP 6 * FIRST Mid-Atlantic District Championship (Cancelled) 1 1 0
NCCMP 6 * FIRST North Carolina State Championship (Cancelled) 2 2 0
NYNY 6 * New York City Regional (Cancelled) 53 53 0
OKTU 6 * Green Country Regional (Cancelled) 48 48 0
ONHAM 6 * ONT District McMaster University Event (Cancelled) 34 33 0
ONLON 6 * ONT District Western University, Western Engineering Event (Cancelled) 36 36 0
PNCMP 6 * Pacific Northwest FIRST District Championship (Cancelled) 2 2 0
WILA 6 * Seven Rivers Regional (Cancelled) 48 48 0
MICMP 7 * Michigan State Championship (Cancelled) 8 8 0
NECMP 7 * New England District Championship (Cancelled) 3 3 0
ONCMP 7 * FIRST Ontario Provincial Championship (Cancelled) 2 2 0
QCMO 7 * Festival de Robotique a Montreal Regional (Cancelled) 50 49 0
CARVER 8 FIRST Championship - Houston - FIRST Robotics Competition - Carver Division (Cancelled) 0 0 0
CMPTX 8 FIRST Championship - Houston - FIRST Robotics Competition (Cancelled) 82 83 0
GALILEO 8 FIRST Championship - Houston - FIRST Robotics Competition - Galileo Division (Cancelled) 0 0 0
HOPPER 8 FIRST Championship - Houston - FIRST Robotics Competition - Hopper Division (Cancelled) 0 0 0
NEWTON 8 FIRST Championship - Houston - FIRST Robotics Competition - Newton Division (Cancelled) 0 0 0
ROEBLING 8 FIRST Championship - Houston - FIRST Robotics Competition - Roebling Division (Cancelled) 0 0 0
TURING 8 FIRST Championship - Houston - FIRST Robotics Competition - Turing Division (Cancelled) 0 0 0
ARCHIMEDES 9 FIRST Championship - Detroit - FIRST Robotics Competition - Archimedes Division (Cancelled) 0 0 0
CARSON 9 FIRST Championship - Detroit - FIRST Robotics Competition - Carson Division (Cancelled) 0 0 0
CMPMI 9 FIRST Championship - Detroit - FIRST Robotics Competition (Cancelled) 68 68 0
CURIE 9 FIRST Championship - Detroit - FIRST Robotics Competition - Curie Division (Cancelled) 0 0 0
DALY 9 FIRST Championship - Detroit - FIRST Robotics Competition - Daly Division (Cancelled) 0 0 0
DARWIN 9 FIRST Championship - Detroit - FIRST Robotics Competition - Darwin Division (Cancelled) 0 0 0
TESLA 9 FIRST Championship - Detroit - FIRST Robotics Competition - Tesla Division (Cancelled) 0 0 0

Please note that capacity information is shown for informational purposes only. Lots of factors, including reserve capacity changes and event layout updates can cause this information to change.