Team 4356 - BIG Furious George (2020)

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2020 Robot: CIA Robotics presents BIG Furious Goerge
2020 Home Championship: FIRST Championship - Houston - FIRST Robotics Competition (Cancelled)
2020 Sponsors: NASA Robotics Alliance/Bayer/Boeing /CIA Robotics/Schaefer Plumbing LLC /Whitakers Ace Hardware /Chaffee American Legion Post 389/Walmart #9/Stratton Auto Transport/Steward Steel, Mud Magnet, REV Robotics /Bank of Advance - Chaffee Banking center/Artisan Contracting/The Schultz Family, The Glueck Family /Havco Wood Products LLC/Amick-Burnett Funeral Home/The Nix Family /Rice, Spaeth, Summers & Heisserer, LC/Ronnie Classic Autos/S&W Cabinets/Mick Wessel Seed Company /The Strohmeyer Family/Dirnberger Ceramic and Tile /Don Carlos Dos L. L. C./Chaffee One Stop/Siebert Farms/The Glueck Family, The Dumey Family /The Wachter Family, McMurry Family /Rhodes/Dans Quality Lumber/Jmaries' Formal Affairs /Chaffee Drive-In /The Beauty Bar/Montgomery Towne LLC/Rice Insurance Agency /Hinkebein Construction /Ishmaels Small Engines /Steve's Barbor shop/Auto Tire & Parts NAPA/Chaffee Elks Lodge 1810/Leslie Horman-Shelter Insurance&Chaffee Jr Sr High School
Regional Rankings
2020 Home Championship: FIRST Championship - Houston - FIRST Robotics Competition (Cancelled)
2020 Sponsors: NASA Robotics Alliance/Bayer/Boeing /CIA Robotics/Schaefer Plumbing LLC /Whitakers Ace Hardware /Chaffee American Legion Post 389/Walmart #9/Stratton Auto Transport/Steward Steel, Mud Magnet, REV Robotics /Bank of Advance - Chaffee Banking center/Artisan Contracting/The Schultz Family, The Glueck Family /Havco Wood Products LLC/Amick-Burnett Funeral Home/The Nix Family /Rice, Spaeth, Summers & Heisserer, LC/Ronnie Classic Autos/S&W Cabinets/Mick Wessel Seed Company /The Strohmeyer Family/Dirnberger Ceramic and Tile /Don Carlos Dos L. L. C./Chaffee One Stop/Siebert Farms/The Glueck Family, The Dumey Family /The Wachter Family, McMurry Family /Rhodes/Dans Quality Lumber/Jmaries' Formal Affairs /Chaffee Drive-In /The Beauty Bar/Montgomery Towne LLC/Rice Insurance Agency /Hinkebein Construction /Ishmaels Small Engines /Steve's Barbor shop/Auto Tire & Parts NAPA/Chaffee Elks Lodge 1810/Leslie Horman-Shelter Insurance&Chaffee Jr Sr High School
Regional Rankings
Team 4356's 2020 Awards
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* Memphis Regional (Cancelled)
March 18 to March 21, 2020
No Matches Yet This team is not yet listed in a Qualification or Playoff schedule at this event.