Team Avatar Team 4415 - EPIC Robotz (2020)

2020 Home Championship: FIRST Championship - Houston - FIRST Robotics Competition (Cancelled)
2020 Sponsors: Boeing/Walt Disney Parks & Resorts/IBM/SOLIDWORKS/Raytheon/Pioneer Circuits/Bellflower Recycling/Professional Bearing/Battery Systems/Lithographix/ProcessingPoint/Law Office of Nguyen Sanabria/L.P Carreras & Associates Inc./Blair’s Metal Polishing and Plating Co.&Valley Christian High School

Regional Rankings

Team 4415's 2020 Awards

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* San Diego Regional presented by Qualcomm (Cancelled)

  March 11 to March 14, 2020

* Orange County Regional (Cancelled)

  April 1 to April 4, 2020