Practice Schedule

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Start Time
Red 1
Red 2
Red 3
Blue 1
Blue 2
Blue 3
Practice 1 Wed 4/17 - 5:05 PM 5940 192 2370 88 33 3357
Practice 2 Wed 4/17 - 5:19 PM 3128 3310 6328 818 4230 3641
Practice 3 Wed 4/17 - 5:30 PM 180 2046 2079 1250 4786 8891
Practice 4 Wed 4/17 - 5:41 PM 5940 4481 7525 9726 8613 456
Practice 5 Wed 4/17 - 5:49 PM 498 2080 5940 9455 3374 9072
Practice 6 Wed 4/17 - 6:00 PM 5715 3006 509 6328 8159 8592
Practice 7 Wed 4/17 - 6:08 PM 33 68 1403 157 8188 1671
Practice 8 Wed 4/17 - 6:16 PM 5993 8013 6615 3494 8613 5809
Practice 9 Wed 4/17 - 6:26 PM 108 4414 195 3175 1218 1325
Practice 10 Wed 4/17 - 6:33 PM 3310 5895 3546 3134 2834 2046
Practice 11 Wed 4/17 - 6:40 PM 9576 4270 8298 8214 1781 6574
Practice 12 Wed 4/17 - 6:52 PM 687 2531 6652 4909 3627 302
Practice 13 Wed 4/17 - 7:02 PM 7712 5232 3357 5715 4909 9072
All times are displayed in Central Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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