Practice Schedule

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Start Time
Red 1
Red 2
Red 3
Blue 1
Blue 2
Blue 3
Practice 1 Thu 3/28 - 6:57 PM 1506 7188 314 1701 3568 9251
Practice 2 Thu 3/28 - 7:10 PM 9455 494 2137 7769 7656 3534
Practice 3 Thu 3/28 - 7:18 PM 5050 9679 7188 1506 314 3568
Practice 4 Thu 3/28 - 7:31 PM 3656 7769 3534 5612 9251 9182
Practice 5 Thu 3/28 - 7:42 PM 5050 70 494 1506 314 2137
Practice 6 Thu 3/28 - 7:56 PM 9679 7188 1701 3098 9455 9182
Practice 7 Thu 3/28 - 8:04 PM 7769 9251 3656 3568 5612 1684
Practice 8 Thu 3/28 - 8:11 PM 494 1506 70 7656 314 1701
Practice 9 Thu 3/28 - 8:21 PM 314 5050 7769
Practice 10 Thu 3/28 - 8:28 PM 2137 7656 5050 5612 1701 3534
Practice 11 Thu 3/28 - 8:39 PM 1701 3098 7769 2137 3656
Practice 12 Thu 3/28 - 8:48 PM 8126 5050 3568 3098
Practice 13 Thu 3/28 - 8:58 PM 7769 9182 1701 3568 3534
Practice 14 Thu 3/28 - 9:07 PM 8126 1701 2137 314 3568
All times are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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