
Results are filtered by search.

Award Name
Team Number
Rookie All Star Award 369
Rookie All Star Award 354
Most Photogenic Award 15
Best Play of the Day Award 352
Best Play of the Day Award 373
#1 Seed 15
Best Offensive Round 19
Judges' Award 28
DaimlerChrysler Team Spirit Award 55
Presidential Classroom Leadership Scholarship 331
Presidential Classroom Leadership Scholarship 369
J&J Sportsmanship 394
Honeywell Leadership in Control Award 250
Motorola Quality Award 358
Regional Winners 394
Regional Winners 55
Regional Winners 353
Outstanding Defense 353
Regional Finalists 250
Regional Finalists 19
Regional Finalists 375
Xerox Creativity Award 311
Delphi "Driving Tomorrow's Technology" Award 55
Featherweight in the Finals 352
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