Practice Schedule

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Start Time
Red 1
Red 2
Red 3
Blue 1
Blue 2
Blue 3
Practice 1 Sat 3/5 - 9:42 AM 1533 5679 4935 234 5854 435
Practice 2 Sat 3/5 - 9:56 AM 3331 2642 4561 4290 3680 1501
Practice 3 Sat 3/5 - 10:09 AM 5679 234 5511 2655 3845 4290
Practice 4 Sat 3/5 - 10:23 AM 4561 3215 3336 3680 2682 3822
Practice 5 Sat 3/5 - 10:37 AM 3196 2655 234 4767 3971 4829
Practice 6 Sat 3/5 - 9:40 AM 3402 4767 435 2642 3215 3845
Practice 7 Sat 3/5 - 9:50 AM 1225 3680 3506 2682 3331 2655
Practice 8 Sat 3/5 - 10:00 AM 5854 6004 5511 3336 5679 3971
Practice 9 Sat 3/5 - 10:10 AM 3822 5727 4829 3196 234 4935
Practice 10 Sat 3/5 - 10:20 AM 4290 1501 5188 4561 2640 1533
All times are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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