Practice Schedule

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Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3
Practice 1 Mon 6/19 - 6:06 AM 8856 7748 9024 6985 6948 4191
Practice 2 Mon 6/19 - 6:20 AM 8054 8209 9142 7536 6402 9160
Practice 3 Mon 6/19 - 6:35 AM 8054 7298 8084 6985 6459 7439
Practice 4 Mon 6/19 - 6:47 AM 8166 8557 6985 6402 9231 7285
Practice 5 Mon 6/19 - 7:00 AM 8856 8084 6948 6459 7439 9142
Practice 6 Mon 6/19 - 7:11 AM 7439 7285 8166 9020 7748 8054
Practice 7 Mon 6/19 - 7:26 AM 8209 8557 7298 9024 4191 6985
Practice 8 Mon 6/19 - 7:35 AM 7536 8166 9142 7748 7439 8084
Practice 9 Mon 6/19 - 7:49 AM 7298 6948 9020 8209 8054 6985
Practice 10 Mon 6/19 - 8:01 AM 7439 6985 7285 7536 8054 6459
Practice 11 Mon 6/19 - 8:14 AM 6985 6459 6402 7748 4191 8856
Practice 12 Mon 6/19 - 8:26 AM 9024 6459 8209 9231 8166 7748
Practice 13 Mon 6/19 - 8:38 AM 6402 8054 8084 7285 9160 6948
Practice 14 Mon 6/19 - 8:48 AM 8084 9020 8557 4191 8054 7748
Practice 15 Mon 6/19 - 8:58 AM 8856 9142 9231 7298 7536 9024
Practice 16 Mon 6/19 - 9:07 AM 7748 4191 8557 6948 9231 8798
Practice 17 Mon 6/19 - 9:18 AM 6459 8054 6402 8166 7298 6985
Practice 18 Mon 6/19 - 9:28 AM 7748 8856 7536 7285 8209 9020
Practice 19 Mon 6/19 - 9:39 AM 9142 6402 7748 8557 9024 8054
Practice 20 Mon 6/19 - 9:49 AM 6948 8209 7536 7298 8798 9231
Practice 21 Mon 6/19 - 9:59 AM 7285 9142 8054 4191 9020 6985
Practice 22 Mon 6/19 - 10:13 AM 9231 6985 8084 9160 8054 8856
Practice 23 Mon 6/19 - 10:20 AM 6948 9142 8557 9020 6402 9024
Practice 24 Mon 6/19 - 10:32 AM 8054 9231 6459 9024 6985 7748
Practice 25 Mon 6/19 - 10:40 AM 8084 7536 7285 9231 7439 7298
Practice 26 Mon 6/19 - 10:52 AM 7748 8798 9020 6459 8856 9024
Practice 27 Mon 6/19 - 11:00 AM 8557 8209 9231 8054 6948 6985
Practice 28 Mon 6/19 - 11:12 AM 8209 8856 6402 8054 6459 8798
Practice 29 Mon 6/19 - 11:21 AM 6985 6459 7748 9142 7298 9231
Practice 30 Mon 6/19 - 11:32 AM 8557 7285 8856 9160 8054 6985
Practice 31 Mon 6/19 - 11:44 AM 9231 7285 7536 6402 7748 7298
Practice 32 Mon 6/19 - 11:54 AM 4191 7285 6459 9142 9231 8054
Practice 33 Mon 6/19 - 12:04 PM 7439 8798 9160 8166 6459 6948
All times are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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