Practice Schedule

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Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3
Practice 1 Thu 3/23 - 4:51 PM 9246 5424 5216 5229 5509 7109
Practice 2 Thu 3/23 - 8:41 PM 5166 5424 5231 5114 6963 5982
Practice 3 Thu 3/23 - 8:49 PM 314 6073 5203 5216 5603 6087
Practice 4 Thu 3/23 - 8:58 PM 5712 2619 8517 6753 5982 314
Practice 5 Thu 3/23 - 9:09 PM 6033 314 5216 6753 3536 5982
Practice 6 Thu 3/23 - 9:23 PM 5166 6033 8517 6071 5509
Practice 7 Thu 3/23 - 9:30 PM 314 2619 3770 6753 5603 5712
Practice 8 Thu 3/23 - 9:52 PM 2619 5114 314 6071 5229 6753
Practice 9 Thu 3/23 - 6:06 PM 5193 314 5203 5509 5166 6071
Practice 10 Thu 3/23 - 6:16 PM 5603 6087 5424 4382 6102 2619
Practice 11 Thu 3/23 - 6:26 PM 8314 6963 6073 5224 9246 5504
Practice 12 Thu 3/23 - 6:36 PM 9225 5982 6020 6642 8517 8286
Practice 13 Thu 3/23 - 6:46 PM 6753 5114 5517 3536 5712 1322
Practice 14 Thu 3/23 - 6:56 PM 6067 5216 4382 5166 6033 5193
Practice 15 Thu 3/23 - 7:06 PM 6533 5504 5509 6102 3770 5224
Practice 16 Thu 3/23 - 7:16 PM 314 8314 5231 5424 6020 8873
Practice 17 Thu 3/23 - 7:26 PM 7109 3536 6963 6071 5603 9225
Practice 18 Thu 3/23 - 7:36 PM 2619 1322 6642 5712 5203 9246
Practice 19 Thu 3/23 - 7:46 PM 6087 6753 5229 5114 8286 5982
Practice 20 Thu 3/23 - 7:56 PM 5166 6533 8517 6073 5517 5424
All times are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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