2023 Qualification Matches
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Match |
Start Time |
Red 1 |
Red 2 |
Red 3 |
Blue 1 |
Blue 2 |
Blue 3 | Red Final |
Blue Final |
Qualification 1 | Sat 9/2 - 11:13 AM | 1325 | 2702 | 9994 | 2634 | 3683 | 4039 | 123 | 82 |
Qualification 5 | Sat 9/2 - 12:02 PM | 9996 | 2634 | 9992 | 8764 | 2702 | 2609 | 45 | 102 |
Qualification 10 | Sat 9/2 - 12:48 PM | 2935 | 7520 | 2702 | 2609 | 8089 | 1325 | 110 | 126 |
Qualification 14 | Sat 9/2 - 1:24 PM | 1325 | 7902 | 2935 | 9996 | 2702 | 8574 | 118 | 85 |
Qualification 18 | Sat 9/2 - 1:58 PM | 9995 | 9992 | 2702 | 9991 | 9994 | 2935 | 100 | 89 |
Qualification 26 | Sat 9/2 - 5:37 PM | 8089 | 1310 | 4039 | 2702 | 2634 | 9993 | 139 | 69 |
Qualification 31 | Sat 9/2 - 6:24 PM | 4343 | 4039 | 5596 | 2702 | 4678 | 5719 | 114 | 109 |
Qualification 35 | Sat 9/2 - 7:01 PM | 7902 | 2702 | 1310 | 8764 | 9991 | 9996 | 134 | 93 |
Qualification 39 | Sat 9/2 - 7:35 PM | 9992 | 9991 | 5406 | 2702 | 8729 | 4039 | 124 | 103 |
Qualification 42 | Sun 9/3 - 11:25 AM | 9991 | 4343 | 2702 | 3683 | 8729 | 7902 | 114 | 123 |
Qualification 45 | Sun 9/3 - 11:53 AM | 8729 | 5596 | 9996 | 3683 | 2935 | 2702 | 66 | 137 |
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in