Practice Schedule

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Start Time
Red 1
Red 2
Red 3
Blue 1
Blue 2
Blue 3
Practice 1 Thu 4/4 - 10:16 AM 2910 2522 9442 2635 4043 2928
Practice 2 Thu 4/4 - 10:26 AM 1899 4469 1778 2930 492 4488
Practice 3 Thu 4/4 - 10:45 AM 6443 2811 9023 2910 3218 6831
Practice 4 Thu 4/4 - 10:53 AM 2521 3663 2046 2980 7034 5827
Practice 5 Thu 4/4 - 11:00 AM 488 4180 3070 3712 1540 3876
Practice 6 Thu 4/4 - 11:08 AM 2926 2557 3674 6343 2046 1983
Practice 7 Thu 4/4 - 11:16 AM 2471 9446 9430 9036 3663 1595
Practice 8 Thu 4/4 - 11:23 AM 4125 4682 1318 1425 360 4450
Practice 9 Thu 4/4 - 11:30 AM 8032 5827 3218 3826 9442 1899
Practice 10 Thu 4/4 - 11:38 AM 1540 2930 2910 6831 2635 488
Practice 11 Thu 4/4 - 11:46 AM 2412 1294 6343 4469 6443 2930
Practice 12 Thu 4/4 - 11:57 AM 1595 9023 2522 4180 3674 2980
Practice 13 Thu 4/4 - 12:07 PM 9430 3712 4131 4450 4125 2926
Practice 14 Thu 4/4 - 12:14 PM 3070 4488 1425 2811 8032 9036
Practice 15 Thu 4/4 - 12:21 PM 360 3826 9446 2046 2521 492
Practice 16 Thu 4/4 - 12:00 PM 3663 3876 4043 1778 1983 4682
Practice 17 Thu 4/4 - 12:08 PM 1318 2557 3218 2412 2471 9023
All times are displayed in Pacific Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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