Team 10064 - HanniBAL (2025)

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İstanbul Regional
March 4 to March 6, 2025Qualification Matches
Record: 2 Wins, 6 Losses and 0 Ties - 8 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)
Match | Start Time | Red 1 | Red 2 | Red 3 | Blue 1 | Blue 2 | Blue 3 | Red Final | Blue Final |
Qualification 2 | Wed 3/5 - 9:53 AM | 10064 | 6232 | 6402 | 10396 | 10689 |
53 | 27 |
Qualification 10 | Wed 3/5 - 11:30 AM | 10236 | 5773 | 10064 | 7742 | 9247 | 6064 | 56 | 15 |
Qualification 22 | Wed 3/5 - 2:27 PM | 10064 | 10234 | 6874 | 5665 | 10334 | 7536 | 63 | 102 |
Qualification 28 | Wed 3/5 - 3:37 PM | 9422 | 7539 | 9519 | 8214 | 10308 | 10064 | 125 | 85 |
Qualification 34 | Wed 3/5 - 5:00 PM | 10064 | 9601 | 9519 | 10692 | 9020 | 6985 | 52 | 63 |
Qualification 41 | Wed 3/5 - 6:14 PM | 9089 | 8308 | 8263 | 10692 | 10689 | 10064 | 66 | 33 |
Qualification 51 | Thu 3/6 - 9:56 AM | 10203 | 10064 | 6228 | 5773 | 6014 | 9026 | 59 | 64 |
Qualification 58 | Thu 3/6 - 11:10 AM | 7576 | 10105 | 10328 | 8263 | 10064 | 10432 | 50 | 23 |
Playoff Matches
Did Not Participate Team 10064 did not appear in, or there were not, any Playoff Matches at this Event
San Francisco Regional
March 21 to March 23, 2025Qualification Matches
Record: 5 Wins, 6 Losses and 0 Ties - 11 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)
Match | Start Time | Red 1 | Red 2 | Red 3 | Blue 1 | Blue 2 | Blue 3 | Red Final | Blue Final |
Qualification 6 | Sat 3/22 - 11:29 AM | 4765 | 6822 | 4973 | 8016 | 7589 | 10064 | 37 | 80 |
Qualification 10 | Sat 3/22 - 12:02 PM | 1280 | 9038 | 10064 | 5507 | 846 | 5817 | 66 | 93 |
Qualification 16 | Sat 3/22 - 1:57 PM | 5728 | 4904 | 10064 | 8840 | 1280 | 4669 | 43 | 20 |
Qualification 22 | Sat 3/22 - 2:58 PM | 6036 | 114 | 10064 | 4765 | 9038 | 4669 | 133 | 90 |
Qualification 31 | Sat 3/22 - 4:26 PM | 10064 | 8852 | 5700 | 5104 | 5430 | 6822 | 101 | 54 |
Qualification 40 | Sat 3/22 - 6:11 PM | 10523 | 5700 | 8859 | 10390 | 10064 | 6506 | 128 | 64 |
Qualification 44 | Sat 3/22 - 6:48 PM | 6036 | 4255 | 5104 | 10064 | 1458 | 5817 | 124 | 50 |
Qualification 51 | Sat 3/22 - 7:48 PM | 10064 | 4765 | 840 | 4973 | 4159 | 5728 | 103 | 80 |
Qualification 57 | Sun 3/23 - 9:20 AM | 7589 | 5940 | 4904 | 10064 | 10523 | 7636 | 156 | 123 |
Qualification 62 | Sun 3/23 - 10:10 AM | 841 | 840 | 8033 | 3256 | 10064 | 8840 | 119 | 64 |
Qualification 73 | Sun 3/23 - 12:05 PM | 9038 | 7667 | 5924 | 8859 | 10064 | 4186 | 104 | 47 |
Playoff Matches
Did Not Participate Team 10064 did not appear in, or there were not, any Playoff Matches at this Event