Team 2662 - RoboKrew (2025)

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2025 Robot: O'MearaBot
2025 Sponsors: Bechtel/State Farm/Gene Haas Foundation/EPCOR/Tolleson Union High School District/Simoncic's Opportunities for Arts and Robotics (SOAR Foundation)&Tolleson Union High School&University High School
Regional Rankings
2025 Sponsors: Bechtel/State Farm/Gene Haas Foundation/EPCOR/Tolleson Union High School District/Simoncic's Opportunities for Arts and Robotics (SOAR Foundation)&Tolleson Union High School&University High School
Regional Rankings
Team 2662's 2025 Awards
Award | Event |
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award
(Presented to Kelaia P) |
Arizona North Regional |
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Arizona North Regional
March 12 to March 15, 2025Qualification Matches
Record: 4 Wins, 8 Losses and 0 Ties - 12 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)
Match | Start Time | Red 1 | Red 2 | Red 3 | Blue 1 | Blue 2 | Blue 3 | Red Final | Blue Final |
Qualification 4 | Fri 3/14 - 9:30 AM | 2662 | 4565 | 9432 | 7645 | 10114 | 2945 | 100 | 73 |
Qualification 8 | Fri 3/14 - 10:08 AM | 2478 | 5461 | 4565 | 2662 | 9059 | 698 | 46 | 52 |
Qualification 19 | Fri 3/14 - 11:56 AM | 3019 | 60 | 996 | 2478 | 4146 | 2662 | 48 | 71 |
Qualification 23 | Fri 3/14 - 1:05 PM | 2662 | 6560 | 6922 | 7425 | 2486 | 9134 | 73 | 111 |
Qualification 28 | Fri 3/14 - 2:00 PM | 2486 | 2662 | 10491 | 9704 | 1212 | 6922 | 5 | 26 |
Qualification 36 | Fri 3/14 - 3:12 PM | 9501 | 6995 | 9134 | 7755 | 2945 | 2662 | 147 | 32 |
Qualification 44 | Fri 3/14 - 4:25 PM | 7425 | 2662 | 8012 | 8229 | 996 | 359 | 45 | 144 |
Qualification 49 | Fri 3/14 - 5:07 PM | 2662 | 1165 | 6127 | 8229 | 6413 | 7645 | 33 | 115 |
Qualification 54 | Fri 3/14 - 5:47 PM | 8717 | 2662 | 6995 | 1212 | 1165 | 7333 | 77 | 59 |
Qualification 61 | Sat 3/15 - 9:19 AM | 1160 | 2478 | 7183 | 7333 | 2403 | 2662 | 68 | 50 |
Qualification 68 | Sat 3/15 - 10:25 AM | 7333 | 991 | 3009 | 5461 | 9704 | 2662 | 34 | 24 |
Qualification 75 | Sat 3/15 - 11:22 AM | 996 | 2662 | 9134 | 8717 | 10491 | 3309 | 50 | 75 |
Playoff Matches
Did Not Participate Team 2662 did not appear in, or there were not, any Playoff Matches at this Event
Arizona East Regional
March 19 to March 22, 2025
In Progress
This event is in progress. Results will change periodically as matches are played and awards are presented.
This event is in progress. Results will change periodically as matches are played and awards are presented.
No Matches Yet This team is not yet listed in a Qualification or Playoff schedule at this event.