Practice Schedule

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Start Time
Red 1
Red 2
Red 3
Blue 1
Blue 2
Blue 3
Practice 1 Thu 3/17 - 12:12 PM 1730 4809 4522 2410 5126 5147
Practice 2 Thu 3/17 - 12:23 PM 2457 1764 5268 6391 5126 5013
Practice 3 Thu 3/17 - 12:40 PM 1827 4766 2001 1730 1763 3184
Practice 4 Thu 3/17 - 12:51 PM 4522 4329 1987 5013 5119 2560
Practice 5 Thu 3/17 - 1:01 PM 8825 5189 6391 5013 1706 4766
Practice 6 Thu 3/17 - 1:08 PM 1763 2457 2410 5268 5147 1827
Practice 7 Thu 3/17 - 1:16 PM 4329 935 1994 4522 1730 1775
Practice 8 Thu 3/17 - 1:25 PM 3184 4766 5126 1987 2560 1764
Practice 9 Thu 3/17 - 1:36 PM 1706 2001 5119 935 5013 5918
Practice 10 Thu 3/17 - 1:48 PM 1994 4522 1730 5268 2410 8825
Practice 11 Thu 3/17 - 2:13 PM 2560 935 1730 1827 6391 1987
Practice 12 Thu 3/17 - 2:27 PM 5013 5147 5189 2457 5126 4329
Practice 13 Thu 3/17 - 2:34 PM 5119 4522 1764 1706 8825 1763
Practice 14 Thu 3/17 - 2:43 PM 1775 3184 4809 5918 4766 5013
Practice 15 Thu 3/17 - 2:52 PM 2560 6391 5013 2001 2410 1730
Practice 16 Thu 3/17 - 3:02 PM 5126 1994 1706 935 1827 1763
Practice 17 Thu 3/17 - 3:13 PM 8825 5119 1764 4809 1987 4522
Practice 18 Thu 3/17 - 3:23 PM 5147 3184 4766 5119 5268 4329
Practice 19 Thu 3/17 - 3:35 PM 6391 5918 1987 5189 5098 2560
All times are displayed in Central Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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