Practice Schedule

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Start Time
Red 1
Red 2
Red 3
Blue 1
Blue 2
Blue 3
Practice 1 Thu 3/30 - 12:38 PM 115 3275 6364 2594 3562 3859
Practice 2 Thu 3/30 - 12:47 PM 8 7634 3288 4598 3134 3647
Practice 3 Thu 3/30 - 12:55 PM 3243 1569 5461 9314 1700 5933
Practice 4 Thu 3/30 - 1:07 PM 5430 3006 6036 7895 3045 3562
Practice 5 Thu 3/30 - 1:16 PM 3134 6358 3647 5933 8839 4175
Practice 6 Thu 3/30 - 1:26 PM 1566 6411 8011 5461 2122 5480
Practice 7 Thu 3/30 - 1:42 PM 2130 3216 1700 3859 8814 2594
Practice 8 Thu 3/30 - 1:54 PM 5871 4598 8551 3275 1891 6364
Practice 9 Thu 3/30 - 2:04 PM 3859 7419 3243 3006 5430 3045
Practice 10 Thu 3/30 - 2:13 PM 8546 3245 9044 8 3647 6036
Practice 11 Thu 3/30 - 2:22 PM 3562 9314 7895 1569 6036 5430
Practice 12 Thu 3/30 - 2:33 PM 7634 5480 115 4175 2594 9243
Practice 13 Thu 3/30 - 2:43 PM 8839 2122 6411 8814 5871 1891
Practice 14 Thu 3/30 - 2:51 PM 5933 1700 1566 3134 8551 3275
Practice 15 Thu 3/30 - 3:13 PM 6364 5461 299 114 2130 3275
Practice 16 Thu 3/30 - 3:20 PM 8885 8 2122 4598 2594 3216
Practice 17 Thu 3/30 - 3:27 PM 8756 7895 8546 5480 9044 3562
Practice 18 Thu 3/30 - 3:36 PM 6036 9243 5871 3288 3243 8814
Practice 19 Thu 3/30 - 3:45 PM 8551 4175 6358 3245 8756 9314
Practice 20 Thu 3/30 - 3:54 PM 3045 5933 5461 1700 115 8839
Practice 21 Thu 3/30 - 4:03 PM 2594 3275 3006 3647 1566 8
Practice 22 Thu 3/30 - 4:12 PM 1891 5933 299 2122 114 7634
Practice 23 Thu 3/30 - 4:22 PM 3216 299 1569 6411 3256 4598
Practice 24 Thu 3/30 - 4:30 PM 5430 8885 3134 7419 6364 2130
All times are displayed in Mountain Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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