Team Avatar Team 3216 - Missoula Robotics Team (MRT) (2023)

2023 Robot: Fiddler
2023 Home Championship: FIRST Championship - FIRST Robotics Competition
2023 Sponsors: NASA/Missoula County Public Schools/Boeing/VFW - Ole Beck Post 209/Gallagher Foundation/Gene Haas Foundation/Washington Corporations/Energy Partners/We Care/Gianforte Family Foundation/Intuitive Foundation/ATG, A Cognizant Company/Eclipse Engineering/Generations Family Medicine/Hellgate Knights of the Round Table/Lubrizol/Worden Thane P.C./David Beans/Cushing Terrell Architects Engineers/Axiom IT Solutions/DCI Engineering/Patsy Olmstead/Gloria P. Wilson/Toni and Dennis Flaherty/Richard and Ellen Larson/Paul and Susan Lauren&Hellgate High School&Sentinel High School&Big Sky High School

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Great Northern Regional

  March 8 to March 11, 2023

Qualification Matches
Rank: 8 of 53
Record: 7 Wins, 3 Losses and 0 Ties - 10 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 7   Fri 3/10 - 9:44 AM 2883 7048 6628 3216 7028 4607 58 144
Qualification 14   Fri 3/10 - 10:37 AM 6146 3216 3026 3740 7038 4360 95 24
Qualification 20   Fri 3/10 - 11:24 AM 8188 4536 4663 3740 6628 3216 82 54
Qualification 33   Fri 3/10 - 1:59 PM 5638 8188 3216 4607 3277 3275 79 101
Qualification 43 Fri 3/10 - 3:08 PM 2508 5929 877 7048 3216 537 58 38
Qualification 49   Fri 3/10 - 3:48 PM 3134 8422 7257 6045 2654 3216 84 136
Qualification 57 Fri 3/10 - 4:45 PM 8887 3058 537 3300 3216 4198 63 78
Qualification 70   Sat 3/11 - 9:29 AM 3216 4226 4536 2531 8586 8255 78 41
Qualification 75   Sat 3/11 - 10:07 AM 7858 3216 3058 3691 3313 5172 64 52
Qualification 81   Sat 3/11 - 10:44 AM 3216 5172 4239 2470 8188 2175 90 76
Playoff Matches
Record: 0 Wins and 0 Losses
Alliance Selection: Captain of Alliance 6

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Match 4 (R1)   Sat 3/11 - 1:28 PM 3134 7257 5638 537 3216 4539 122 106
Match 6 (R2)   2883 5172 6146 537 3216 4539 142 85

Idaho Regional

  March 29 to April 1, 2023

Qualification Matches
Rank: 13 of 48
Record: 7 Wins, 4 Losses and 0 Ties - 11 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 2   Fri 3/31 - 9:02 AM 3216 6036 115 7895 3045 2594 146 32
Qualification 16   Fri 3/31 - 11:00 AM 7419 1566 3216 3562 4598 1700 101 57
Qualification 22   Fri 3/31 - 11:45 AM 5480 3134 8550 3216 299 4598 67 83
Qualification 31   Fri 3/31 - 1:55 PM 8839 9243 3288 9314 3216 8011 49 94
Qualification 40   Fri 3/31 - 2:59 PM 6411 114 3216 9314 5933 1566 127 50
Qualification 47   Fri 3/31 - 3:48 PM 3859 6411 8885 3216 6358 5933 92 83
Qualification 54   Fri 3/31 - 4:43 PM 2122 3216 4175 8 3275 3006 101 93
Qualification 64   Sat 4/1 - 9:01 AM 6358 8814 1891 5871 3216 3045 126 53
Qualification 70   Sat 4/1 - 9:46 AM 5430 6364 114 1891 3216 9044 133 107
Qualification 77   Sat 4/1 - 10:34 AM 1569 8839 3216 115 8551 3245 129 96
Qualification 82   Sat 4/1 - 11:12 AM 115 3256 8756 3216 3245 1700 90 76
Playoff Matches
Record: 0 Wins and 0 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 1 of Alliance 5

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Match 2 (R1)   Sat 4/1 - 1:42 PM 8011 8814 2130 3216 115 4598 92 158
Match 7 (R2)   3647 4175 6036 3216 115 4598 110 135
Match 11 (R4)   4598 115 3216 2122 114 1891 115 175
Match 13 (R5)   4598 115 3216 6036 4175 3647 111 159