Team 3211 - The Y Team (2015)

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2015 Robot: Zurg
2015 Sponsors: NRCN / Perrigo / The Yeruham Miami partnership / The Jewish federations of north america / Rashi foundation / Ministry of science / Ministry for the Development of the Negev and Galilee / Automation Yeruham / OPC / Perion / Gazit-Globe / Cimatron / Brand industries / The Yeruham Municipality / Matnas Yeruham / Rotem Industries Ltd. / Ben Gurion University department of mechanical engineering / The Jusidman Center for Science Oriented Youth in Ben-Gurion University & The Yeurham science center & Ort Sapir Yeruham & Belevav Shalem & Kama & IAF Technological College, Be'er Sheva
Regional Rankings
2015 Sponsors: NRCN / Perrigo / The Yeruham Miami partnership / The Jewish federations of north america / Rashi foundation / Ministry of science / Ministry for the Development of the Negev and Galilee / Automation Yeruham / OPC / Perion / Gazit-Globe / Cimatron / Brand industries / The Yeruham Municipality / Matnas Yeruham / Rotem Industries Ltd. / Ben Gurion University department of mechanical engineering / The Jusidman Center for Science Oriented Youth in Ben-Gurion University & The Yeurham science center & Ort Sapir Yeruham & Belevav Shalem & Kama & IAF Technological College, Be'er Sheva
Regional Rankings
Team 3211's 2015 Awards
Award | Event |
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson | Israel Regional |
Regional Finalists | Israel Regional |
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