Practice Schedule

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Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3
Practice 1 Thu 3/9 - 12:19 PM 5445 5449 6433 6450 5453 1797
Practice 2 Thu 3/9 - 12:38 PM 6487 6362 6374 6392 6354 1884
Practice 3 Thu 3/9 - 12:56 PM 5823 6360 5515 6393 6361 5737
Practice 4 Thu 3/9 - 1:19 PM 6365 5308 6304 5516 6356 6386
Practice 5 Thu 3/9 - 1:38 PM 6383 6394 5820 6766 6028 6399
Practice 6 Thu 3/9 - 1:51 PM 5839 4613 6494 6385 6375 5451
Practice 7 Thu 3/9 - 2:12 PM 5522 6487 6441 5849 6376 6439
Practice 8 Thu 3/9 - 2:32 PM 6433 6393 1884 6383 5445 5308
Practice 9 Thu 3/9 - 2:46 PM 6362 6766 6386 5453 5839 5515
Practice 10 Thu 3/9 - 3:04 PM 6356 1797 6028 4613 5823 6487
Practice 11 Thu 3/9 - 3:15 PM 5849 6374 6361 6394 5516 6375
Practice 12 Thu 3/9 - 3:27 PM 6385 6392 6376 6399 6304 1884
Practice 13 Thu 3/9 - 3:37 PM 6354 5449 6365 6494 6441 6360
Practice 14 Thu 3/9 - 3:50 PM 5820 5737 1797 5522 5451 6374
Practice 15 Thu 3/9 - 4:02 PM 5516 6362 5515 6487 6433 6028
Practice 16 Thu 3/9 - 4:17 PM 5453 6399 1884 6354 6361 4613
Practice 17 Thu 3/9 - 4:39 PM 6362 6450 6356 5737 6383 6441
Practice 18 Thu 3/9 - 4:58 PM 6376 5451 5823 5445 6386 6394
Practice 19 Thu 3/9 - 5:10 PM 6362 5522 4613 5449 6375 6304
Practice 20 Thu 3/9 - 5:22 PM 5522 1884 6439 5839 6365 6393
Practice 21 Thu 3/9 - 5:35 PM 6494 5849 6362 5823 6386 5445
All times are displayed in China Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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