2017 Qualification Matches
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Match |
Start Time |
Red 1 |
Red 2 |
Red 3 |
Blue 1 |
Blue 2 |
Blue 3 | Red Final |
Blue Final |
Qualification 5 | Sat 3/18 - 11:42 AM | 5752 | 4929 | 6161 | 4564 | 2648 | 5556 | 107 | 230 |
Qualification 10 | Sat 3/18 - 12:25 PM | 4311 | 173 | 6762 | 5752 | 246 | 4564 | 140 | 227 |
Qualification 15 | Sat 3/18 - 1:02 PM | 6324 | 1027 | 319 | 4169 | 2713 | 4564 | 155 | 220 |
Qualification 21 | Sat 3/18 - 2:27 PM | 1058 | 4572 | 4564 | 3930 | 2713 | 4761 | 185 | 235 |
Qualification 31 | Sat 3/18 - 3:56 PM | 5735 | 4564 | 1289 | 4909 | 2648 | 6324 | 283 | 269 |
Qualification 39 | Sat 3/18 - 5:09 PM | 1761 | 4564 | 6731 | 1699 | 5752 | 4555 | 205 | 195 |
Qualification 44 | Sat 3/18 - 5:43 PM | 5459 | 1761 | 6762 | 3930 | 3451 | 4564 | 145 | 245 |
Qualification 51 | Sat 3/18 - 6:31 PM | 6335 | 4564 | 4761 | 133 | 6731 | 6617 | 205 | 204 |
Qualification 54 | Sat 3/18 - 6:54 PM | 246 | 6324 | 3451 | 173 | 6617 | 4564 | 170 | 185 |
Qualification 64 | Sun 3/19 - 9:42 AM | 1721 | 6161 | 4564 | 1474 | 2084 | 5962 | 210 | 210 |
Qualification 68 | Sun 3/19 - 10:10 AM | 4169 | 319 | 1071 | 4564 | 4555 | 4906 | 311 | 312 |
Qualification 75 | Sun 3/19 - 10:57 AM | 319 | 4564 | 58 | 6335 | 6731 | 5735 | 343 | 207 |
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in
![Game Logo](https://frc-cdn.firstinspires.org/eventweb_frc/GameLogos/2017.png)