Team Avatar Team 5667 - The Digital Eagles (2020)

2020 Home Championship: FIRST Championship - Detroit - FIRST Robotics Competition (Cancelled)
2020 Sponsors: Facebook/Rockwell Automation/AEP/Lakeshore Cryotronics/IBM/NASA Glenn Research Center Office of Education/New Albany Community Foundation/Ellen & David Ryan Fund&New Albany High School

Regional Rankings

Team 5667's 2020 Awards
Award Event
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award
     (Presented to Aagam D)
* Buckeye Regional (Cancelled)

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Miami Valley Regional

  February 26 to February 29, 2020

Qualification Matches
Rank: 27 of 60
Record: 5 Wins, 4 Losses and 0 Ties - 9 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 8   Fri 2/28 - 10:13 AM 6936 6927 8027 8289 128 5667 84 134
Qualification 18   Fri 2/28 - 11:37 AM 554 4467 4611 144 8027 5667 131 48
Qualification 23 Fri 2/28 - 1:00 PM 5667 677 554 279 4085 4269 82 53
Qualification 40   Fri 2/28 - 3:02 PM 1511 5811 144 5667 695 3201 104 65
Qualification 49   Fri 2/28 - 4:08 PM 3504 7434 4027 340 329 5667 97 125
Qualification 59   Fri 2/28 - 5:25 PM 1507 5667 4145 2081 1559 2252 116 176
Qualification 68   Sat 2/29 - 9:30 AM 706 5667 6032 3138 695 379 86 92
Qualification 77   Sat 2/29 - 10:35 AM 3814 325 1507 3266 5667 1787 148 155
Qualification 90   Sat 2/29 - 12:16 PM 5667 3138 2603 3324 1038 6181 106 81
Playoff Matches

* Buckeye Regional (Cancelled)

  March 25 to March 28, 2020