Practice Schedule

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Start Time
Red 1
Red 2
Red 3
Blue 1
Blue 2
Blue 3
Practice 1 Thu 4/6 - 10:13 AM 2582 5431 3679 8019 5414 5613
Practice 2 Thu 4/6 - 10:25 AM 1255 324 9156 5892 2689 3847
Practice 3 Thu 4/6 - 10:36 AM 2468 6672 2582 9128 3035 1296
Practice 4 Thu 4/6 - 10:48 AM 7540 5414 5427 2848 3847 8177
Practice 5 Thu 4/6 - 10:55 AM 3679 4063 1477 7503 9181 9136
Practice 6 Thu 4/6 - 11:03 AM 3802 6369 4219 8827 6800 4587
Practice 7 Thu 4/6 - 11:12 AM 6377 4639 2689 9054 9080 2582
Practice 8 Thu 4/6 - 11:24 AM 5414 9156 3035 5427 8019 9128
Practice 9 Thu 4/6 - 11:34 AM 2689 2882 3847 1477 5613 324
Practice 10 Thu 4/6 - 11:42 AM 1296 3802 4587 2582 2468 6800
Practice 11 Thu 4/6 - 11:51 AM 5431 8177 9181 4219 6672 324
Practice 12 Thu 4/6 - 12:01 PM 3847 9136 1255 9140 6672 3035
Practice 13 Thu 4/6 - 12:11 PM 3847 4639 9080 6369 7540 9054
Practice 14 Thu 4/6 - 12:23 PM 8019 5892 5414 4063 2848 2468
Practice 15 Thu 4/6 - 12:31 PM 9181 5427 6672 9140 4587 5431
Practice 16 Thu 4/6 - 1:51 PM 2689 2582 6800 8019 1477 1296
Practice 17 Thu 4/6 - 2:08 PM 8177 9054 9080 9136 324 3802
Practice 18 Thu 4/6 - 2:18 PM 4639 3679 6369 6800 1255 1296
Practice 19 Thu 4/6 - 2:28 PM 3035 7503 7540 9156 8827 6377
Practice 20 Thu 4/6 - 2:37 PM 3847 1477 6672 2882 4219 4063
All times are displayed in Central Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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