2018 Qualification Matches
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Match |
Start Time |
Red 1 |
Red 2 |
Red 3 |
Blue 1 |
Blue 2 |
Blue 3 | Red Final |
Blue Final |
Qualification 3 | Fri 3/30 - 9:16 AM | 3081 | 3407 | 7180 | 233 | 3244 | 5172 | 90 | 485 |
Qualification 14 | Fri 3/30 - 10:35 AM | 3026 | 233 | 4207 | 2181 | 2498 | 2502 | 427 | 297 |
Qualification 24 | Fri 3/30 - 11:43 AM | 2500 | 3630 | 2501 | 233 | 3751 | 2513 | 347 | 282 |
Qualification 33 | Fri 3/30 - 1:42 PM | 2470 | 3630 | 7038 | 2846 | 233 | 3102 | 40 | 419 |
Qualification 46 | Fri 3/30 - 3:12 PM | 2532 | 3184 | 233 | 4607 | 6709 | 4229 | 271 | 214 |
Qualification 57 | Fri 3/30 - 4:30 PM | 2450 | 3018 | 233 | 2847 | 3278 | 3058 | 408 | 161 |
Qualification 62 | Fri 3/30 - 5:02 PM | 4536 | 3745 | 1816 | 2232 | 233 | 5913 | 313 | 376 |
Qualification 71 | Sat 3/31 - 9:47 AM | 3751 | 5913 | 3038 | 233 | 2480 | 2052 | 226 | 481 |
Qualification 83 | Sat 3/31 - 11:16 AM | 4664 | 2879 | 233 | 3454 | 2825 | 3298 | 417 | 10 |
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in